A Moment in the Woods

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The Enchanted Forest...

The months had passed quickly since their first arriving in the Enchanted Forest. Snow's pregnant belly was growing by the day, bringing them closer and closer to the happy day of the new child's birth. However, they knew that once the baby was born, Zelena would be there to take them away, for she wanted the baby for some unholy reason. Y/n was relieved to say she was gaining more control over her magic. Thanks to Regina's teachings, she didn't let it overwhelm her emotions and learned how to properly use her magical techniques, although she could still sense the darkness seeping into her heart. She was also becoming the master of her swordsmanship. Each day, she would go down with David to learn to fight and ride a horse. She always used the sword that Killian had given her.

Speaking of the pirate, the two of them had been sending letters nonstop to one another since the first one he sent. Every time, she would get the letter on a cardinal. The red feathers always seemed to litter her floor before she swept them out, keeping one as a memory. Y/n's feelings for Killian grew with each letter he sent, his words of endearment and tales of his adventures, now upon the Jolly Roger keeping her mind occupied during many lessons. She was fearful of the emotions gathering in her heart, though. He was a troubled man with a troubled past, and near everyone she knew warned her against him, even when there was nothing there to warn her of. But now she could feel his hook latching onto her heart, and there was nothing she could do to ebb it away.

Waking one particular morning, Y/n was gladdened by the sight of the little red bird sitting on her bedroom window, pecking at the glass. She stood, wrapping her silk robe around herself before going to open the window to let him in. She recognized the little letter on his leg, stamped with the wax seal of the hook Killian wore. Taking it off, she sat on her bed and opened the letter quickly reading it through.

My dearest, Y/n,

I hope since we have last spoke, your thoughts to join me on my ship have changed. I hear tell you're making a wonderful princess, but if I know you, I know you long for the adventure instead of the politics.

Thoughts of you plague my mind, and I wish to meet you once more. I understand if you are occupied. I'm sure your parents have the castle locked up tightly, as I hear we have a new Wicked Witch amongst us. But, if your feelings match mine, meet me by the harbors off of the west end of the Enchanted Forest. I'll take you to my ship, and we can sail away from here to distant, glittering shores.

If not, then I understand your plight, but know this. I think of you each day, love. I wish to know if you feel as I do. If you feel as though these letters have brought something between us as I hoped it would. I'll be waiting there on the morrow at sundown. I sincerely hope to see you there.

Your pirate,

Killian Jones

Her heart pounded against her chest. He wanted to see her? He was going to leave his adventures to stop everything to meet her tomorrow? Her thoughts couldn't comprehend this idea. Her stomach was roiling with anxiety, the butterflies seemingly having started a full war. Taking a deep breath, she looked to the awaiting cardinal, who tilted his little head at her sight. "What are you looking at?" she questioned the bird, standing up. "I know what I'm doing."

Killian must be close, she thought to herself, gathering her quill and ink. Therefore, if I write a letter now, he will most likely receive it before tomorrow. Her thoughts were racing through everything that could possibly happen during their meeting. What would Killian even want to say, or do? She didn't know what to expect from him, it had been so long since they had seen one another. Rushing over to the mirror, she looked into it with ease and watched as the mirror shimmered and glimmered before the image of Killian appeared in its reflection.

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