The Tower

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The Enchanted Forest...

It had been almost two months since the returned Storybrooke residents had first moved into Regina's castle. Even though she's been here that long, Y/n still got lost throughout the endless array of hallways and doors. It didn't help that she had to do it running around in a fancy dress. However, today Y/n was running around in her riding attire. David had agreed to show her how to ride a horse, how to swordfight, and basically reject the norms of her gender in the Enchanted Forest, as Snow did when she was running from the Evil Queen. It did manage to clash with Snow trying to teach Y/n how to rule a kingdom and be a royal for their people, which she hated. But, she knew she had to do it.

Her mother had called upon her to tell her something big, which she apparently had to do in person, but it was taking ages for Y/n to find her. After finally discovering the right room, Y/n let out a sigh of relief and knocked, the door opening immediately as Snow grinned brightly at her daughter. "Y/n! Sweetheart, what took you so long?"

"I got lost. Again," Y/n wincing a bit as she walked inside. "My terrible sense of direction was not built for this place."

"Oh, don't worry, you'll find your way. I know it took me a long time as a child to remember all these rooms," Snow said with a little laugh, and her smile appeared to be glued to her face.

"Mom, are you all right? You seem extra... giddy today," Y/n questioned, and Snow seemed to brighten even more.

"Okay, I wanted to tell you before you saw your father for your riding lesson so he doesn't spill it to you before I can. I'm just so excited," Snow said, beaming. Y/n waited for her mother to speak, and Snow took her daughter's hands in hers as she said, "Y/n, I'm pregnant."

Y/n blinked, before a large smile grew on her own face that matched that of her mothers. "You're- Oh, my God! Mom! That's amazing!"

Y/n took Snow in for a large hug as Snow said, "I'm so happy, Y/n! You're gonna have a little baby brother or sister."

"Mom, I am so happy for you," Y/n said, but something creeped up into her mind. With Snow having this new baby, she would have a child. A real child for herself. Emma and Y/n were her children, but they were fully grown. Snow wouldn't look at them the same way she would look at this child.

"Y/n," Snow said, looking down at her daughter's hands. Y/n blinked slightly and followed her mother's gaze, looking to see her hands shimmering with magic. "Are you all right?"

Y/n closed her hands and brought them to herself, giving her mom a tight smile and saying, "Of course. But, um, have you seen Regina yet today?"

"Last I saw her, she was walking towards her own room. Why?" Snow asked, looking at her daughter with just a little bit of worry in her eyes.

"I just need to ask her something," Y/n said dismissively, and Snow looked her over carefully. "Mom, don't worry. I'm fine. I just have some things to take care of with her before I head down to the stables."

"Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?" Snow said, putting her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "I'm still your mother. This new baby is not going to change anything, I promise you that."

"I know, Mom," Y/n tried soothing her just a little bit. "There's just something I need to take care of. You don't need to worry." Snow gave her a slightly disappointed look as Y/n gave her a bye and walked out of the room, heading for Regina's room as fast as she could. She quickly knocked on the door, and it took a moment before Regina opened the door, a confused look upon her face before Y/n asked, "Regina, can you do me a favor?"

"Depends on the favor," Regina said back, opening her door a little wider. "What's going on?"

"Can you..." Y/n started, and let out a huff as she struggled to get her words out. "Okay. Can you teach me how to control my dark magic?"

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now