There's No Place Like Home pt 2

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Snow said her goodbyes to Red once the morning sun rose over the Enchanted Forest. Turning to David, she watched him for a moment before approaching, Y/n, Killian, and Emma watching their exchange from afar with smiles dotting their faces. They spoke for a moment, before Snow grabbed David's canteen and headed off towards the nearby stream. Y/n smiled when David watched her walk away.

"Looks like they're getting close," Y/n said with a light smile, her eyes watching when Snow walked away as David kept his gaze on her.

"They're warming up to each other," Emma grinned from beside her. "This is good. This will work."

"That may be, Emma," Killian spoke up, his voice more grim than theirs, "but we have another problem."

He pointed over to the woman Emma had rescued from the Queen's cells. Emma let out a sigh, saying, "I had to save her."

"You did the noble thing in the moment, but what about the future?" Y/n questioned, looking from the woman to her sister. "She's supposed to be dead right now. Who knows what her presence here could do."

"She's just a sweet, innocent woman," Emma said with a shake of her head.

"What if she had a child that grows into a mass murderer. Or she gets tipsy one night and rides a horse into one of the dwarves and there's only six of them? Who knows?" Killian ranted on, watching as the woman stood from her spot. "And we're best not finding out. She doesn't belong here."

A grin made its way onto Emma's face, Y/n looking at her confusion. "I know exactly what we can do. Take her with us."

"We avoid any chance she has of messing with time here," Killian thought to himself on her words.

Y/n sighed and said, "I don't know. What if she's the dead wife of some guy who's now happily remarried?" They turned to her with raised eyebrows. "I'm just saying, people move on, especially in thirty years."

"Unfortunately, it's a risk we're going to have to take," Killian stated. "We avoid the prospect of shed blood on our hands that needn't be there."

"It's settled, then," Emma said, standing and looking down at her sister. "We take her with us to the future."

"Good luck explaining that to her," Y/n responded, nodding her head towards the woman. "She'll want to get back to her family as soon as possible."

The approached the woman carefully, racking their brains for a way to explain how she needed to come with them instead of going back to her family. It took them a while to finally get the words out, but when they did, the woman looked confused among them as she repeated the words she just heard. "The future?"

"You can't stay here," Emma said, shifting from one foot to the other. "You were supposed to die hours ago."

Her brown eyes looked warily between the three of them. "I don't understand. I just want to get back to my family."

"They need to believe you're dead. Because that's what they've always thought," Killian explained to her.

"Please, trust us." Y/n wasn't sure how this was going to play out, but they needed to get her to believe them.

"I don't trust you," the woman said with what was almost akin to a sneer towards Y/n. "Or believe you. So unless you're kidnapping me, I'm going to go find my family-"

The woman suddenly fell into Killian's arms, and Y/n looked up with raised eyebrows to see Emma standing with large twig. "Well, then, I guess we're kidnapping you," Emma eased out as she threw the twig to the ground.

"That works, too," Y/n said with furrowed brows and a slight laugh as Emma shrugged her shoulders.

Killian chuckled as he set the woman on the ground, standing and pointing to Emma, saying, "I always knew there was a little pirate in you."

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