Snow Drifts

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Y/n sat with her parents as she watched David hold his little son in his arms, Mary Margaret folding a couple of baby clothes that they had already bought. David couldn't keep his eyes off his new son, saying, "He's a handsome boy."

Mary Margaret giggled lightly at her husbands words, telling him, "Stop, you're going to spoil him."

"I think we can count on him spoiling the boy anyway," Y/n said, standing up and putting her finger out for the baby, giving him funny faces as his tiny had wrapped around her finger. She was truly happy for her parents, but deep inside her heart she could feel herself edging towards jealous thoughts that she knew she shouldn't have, especially not when they just defeated the Wicked Witch. Her magic wasn't even there anymore. The stain it left on her heart, however, was another thing entirely.

"Emma, you okay?" David asked the other twin, who was standing by simply lost in her own thoughts.

"What? Yeah, of course," Emma nodded, snapping back. "You guys gonna finally tell me the name of my little brother, or should I just keep calling him 'Hey there'?"

David gave a slight scoffed laugh and said, "Well, the thing is, there's sort of this tradition. Back in the Enchanted Forest, when a new royal is born, you usually announce the name at a coronation ceremony."

"We would've done it with you girls if we could have," Mary Margaret said downwardly, and Y/n let go of her brother's hand.

"Please tell me it's gonna be like the Lion King. Hold him up from the clocktower and present him to the town," Y/n said, mimicking the action and causing her parents to laugh.

"Of course not," David chuckled, swaying back and forth. "In fact, we've decided to forgo all pomp and circumstance for a nice potluck at Granny's." Mary Margaret nodded her head along with his words as she folded another blanket.

"The important thing is to mark the occasion," she spoke. "Remind ourselves that after all that we've been through, we're still together. As a family."

Y/n could see Emma's face drop slightly, and the two of them shared a look. Emma was moving for certain. Going back to New York with Henry was the one thing she wanted to do right now. But for Y/n, it all depended on whether or not she would be able to find a place she would like to stay in Storybrooke. She looked during her time fighting the Witch, but nothing was available that she took a particular interest in.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Henry opened the door, a newspaper in hand. "Hey, check it out! I think I found us a place," he said. "Oh, and Aunt Y/n, I think I might have found somewhere that you'd really like!"

"You're looking for apartments?" Emma questioned, her brows furrowed at her son. At the mention of her apartment hunt, Y/n perked up slightly. She hadn't been able to find a place in the days they've been back. How did Henry find something?

"What do you think?" Henry asked, holding out the newspaper for her.

Emma took the page, looking it over as Mary Margaret leaned over and said, "Yeah, Emma? What do you think?"

Emma hesitated, but put her arm around Henry and turned back to them as she said, "I think your grandparents can't decide what to name your uncle, and they are using a fairy-tale tradition to try and buy themselves some time."

David and Mary Margaret gave her a slightly offput look at her insinuation, but Y/n merely gave her a worried look. Emma faced her sister, pursing her lips at the look. They both knew they needed to decide and tell their parents what was going on, but not right now. Not right after Mary Margaret just gave birth to her newest child.

It wasn't too long after the day started the Mary Margaret and David had their little potluck in Granny's. Everyone was invited to the event. Gifts were set up and streamers and balloons were hung everywhere, blue and gold and white decorating the diner. The entire Charming family all sat together in the booth, Henry reading to the newest little Charming from his beloved story book. Of course, it was the story of how Snow White and Prince Charming first met. Y/n smiled as he read it, but in her hand was the newspaper he had mere hours before with the home listing for her.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian Jonesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن