Lost Girl pt 2

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The Dark Jungle was certainly named well, for everywhere they turned there was just another dark plant there to block their way. Making their way through, Emma seemed to find a path that the parchment paper was leading them onto. "Ready to thank me?" Regina asked as they followed Emma.

"Actually, yeah," Emma responded, and they turned a corner, following the paper.

"If you'd let me do it sooner, we'd have found him by now," Regina said, but then came to a sudden stop, the paper stopping in front of them. "Wait. He's there. Pan. I can feel his smugness."

"With the amount of things I've seen on or near this island with 'smug' being their main personality trait, this island should be named 'Smugland' instead of 'Neverland'," Y/n murmured as she stepped forward with the others, David coming to the front of the group.

Drawing his sword from it's sheath, David said, "Shall we? While we still have the element of surprise on our side?"

As David and Regina headed forward, Hook passed the other three women, saying, "Careful. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."

"I'll take your word for it," Y/n said as she followed him, taking her own sword from it's sheath on her hip and following the others forward.

It grew even darker around them as they walked through the jungle and into what appeared to be a large campsite. Small huts were built all around them and clothing hung from ropes above them from the trees. However, it was as bare as it could possibly be. Not a single soul in sight. "No one's here. Maybe your spell was wrong, Regina," Mary Margaret suggested as they continued forward.

"Yes. Blame me. Again," Regina snapped back at her.

They walked further into the camp, coming down a small hill into a clearer area. "Guys, hold on," they heard Emma say as she looked past them. Following her eyes, they saw a boy with his face facing them, wearing the jeans and the blue coat Henry always wore. "Is that... Henry!"

As she ran to meet him, he turned around, only to reveal himself to be Pan. He smirked down at them, saying, "Hi, Emma."

They all stopped in their tracks as they looked on in horror. "Where the hell is Henry?" Emma demanded, angered at their failure.

"You broke the rules. That's not fair," Pan said like a child not getting his way, walking up to a ridge just above them. "Bad form. I expect more form you, Captain," Pan spoke as he eyed Hook playfully.

"Aye. And you'll get it," Hook said with grit in his tone.

"Give Henry to me!" Emma commanded, unable to play Pan's games any longer.

"Sorry. Can't," Pan stated simply as he paused, looking down at them from above. "Don't you know? Cheaters never win."

Y/n brought up her sword as multiple Lost Boys suddenly appeared from around them, whooping and hollering as they held their torches, aimed their arrows, and brandished their weapons at the group of adults. Y/n gripped onto her sword tightly as Hook said, "Watch out for their arrows. Their laced with dreamshade."

Y/n ducked and dodged an arrow that would have hit her right in the head, blocking another attack from a Lost Boy with her sword. David swung his sword around, cutting the arrows and blocking them before they could hit him. Mary Margaret shot her arrows back at the boys, but just as she aimed for one, another snuck up behind her and aimed his laced arrow right for her. David pushed her aside just in time, but the arrow just barely nicked him in the side.

Regina used her magic to block the boys and push them back, while Hook blocked an attack from a young blonde boy with a long face, Felix. "It's been a while, Captain," Felix said with a sinister grin.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now