Chapter 134: Qin Ruiqi and Lei Ruilin

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Once Lei Daqiang thought of the humiliation of being threatened by Lei Tie just now and that he might fall into the same situation as becoming mute like Du Shi, he turned around, slapped Du Shi's face, and hatefully said, "It's all this woman's faults!"

Du Shi was slapped to the ground and her cheek swelled in an instant.

"Mother!" exclaimed Lei Xiangli and Lei Chuntao before they hastily ran over to help Du Shi.

"Father, what on earth have you two done to Eldest Brother and Eldest Sister-in-law?" asked Lei Xiangli with a frown.

Lei Daqiang stammered, "Zhao Sifa told me and your mother that as long as we gave a concubine to your eldest brother, then... I was thinking that after his concubine gave birth to a son, so long as we hold on to the child, their family's property... It wasn't for myself..."

When Lei Xiangli and Lei Chuntao looked at him with disappointed eyes, he couldn't continue to speak.

"Mother, Fourth Brother and I will help you into the room first," said Lei Chuntao to Du Shi in a soft voice.

Du Shi covered her face as she nodded, not looking a glance at Lei Daqiang; she had a vacant expression.

The mother and her children entered the room. Du Shi leaned on the bed, closed her eyes, and was silent as the grave.

Although Du Shi had many faults, she was the mother of Lei Chuntao and Lei Xiangli after all. Seeing her like this, the brother and sister felt upset. Yet, they didn't have that thick of a face to go look for Lei Tie and plead.

"Mother, I'll go and invite Doctor Liu to check on you," said Lei Xiangli.


After Lei Tie entered the house, he withdrew his cold aura and entered the bedroom.

"You're back." Qin Mian was properly dressed and leaning against the heatable-brick bed. Once he scrutinized the man's expression was the same, he put down his worry. He beckoned the man and handed him the notebook. "I think these characters aren't bad, but they aren't good enough. You look at it."

Written on the notebook were: Shu, Rui, Shi, Xuan, Xi, Yu.

Lei Tie also thought that they were not good enough.

"It's hard to think of a good name." Qin Mian frowned and gave him the dictionary. "Now it's your turn to look for it."

Lei Tie honestly said, "I don't recognize..."

Qin Mian laughed with a puff. Although the characters in the dictionary were annotated in Traditional Chinese, they were mostly simplified characters; it would be really hard for Lei Tie to read. He was trying to embarrass Lei Tie. That dejected expression of his was very amusing.

The two babies started to whimper.

Lei Tie immediately stood up. "I'll warm the milk."

That somewhat defeated and fleeing figure made Qin Mian unable to contain his laughter. He shook his head and continued to look at the dictionary. Suddenly, a miraculous light sparked and he thought of "Qilin". Qilin was an auspicious beast. Not only was it meant auspicious, but the two characters were also very similar. Wasn't it appropriate to use it for the last word of a baby's name?

As for the character in the middle – a good man should be able to hold up the sky and support the earth, formidable, and domineering, so the middle character could be ''Rui''. ''Rui'' could be equivalent for ''sharp'', ''advance bravely momentum'', and ''excellent''.

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