Chapter 17

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The dark, twisted shadows of the night, combined with the inhuman speed at which the two creatures were moving, made it impossible to decipher what was happening. All I knew was that I was smack in the middle of a very dangerous fight, and I could not move my legs.

Get away, run, take cover! My mind screamed at my body, but it's only response was to shake uncontrollably. My eyes were open wide, and tears were streaming down my face as they refused to blink.

I heard a loud thud and then saw the enormous wolf fly through the air and slam against a tree. The tree groaned and cracked at the considerable impact and I thought it might fall over.

The three other Chaimara were still standing in the same place, their bodies like stone statues. The woman was frozen in the act of backing away, her legs bent and palms out, facing forward.

The tallest male stood with his arms outstretched, like they had been when he tried to pull Kale away. His face was suspended in an expression of horror, his mouth forming a round O shape.

The other male had turned his back, and looked like he was sculpted into the act of running. One leg touched the ground while the other was lifted behind him, with his arms bent at his sides.

I could see their eyes, still darting around, wide and terrified at what was happening to them as well as their comrade, Kale.

"Brenya!" I thought I heard Dristan call out. "Run!"

But I couldn't. My eyes ripped away from the wolf, who was now rising back to his feet, and tried to find the source of the voice. My eyes locked with Dristan's, about twenty feet away from me.

He must've realized the immobilizing shock and fear that was surly painted across my face, because he lifted his clawed hand and flicked his wrist toward me. I gasped as I was suddenly lifted into the air by an unseen force and then carried backward through the trees at an alarming rate.

I landed on my back, the air knocked out of my lungs, and lay gasping for air as I gaped up at the trees and sky towering above me.

Loud booms and snapping sounds echoed throughout the forest. I tried to decide weather those snapping noises were of wood... or of bones. I couldn't decide on an answer.

Roars and snarls filled the once silent woods, overcoming my senses with what I could only describe as the most disturbing and petrifying feeling I had ever known.

I sat up, my body groaning in pain, and my eyes darted around the scene before me. I was about fifty feet away from them now, but I wasn't any less frightened.

I watched, huddled beneath a large bush, as Dristan and the wolf creature continued to preform their intricate dance of death.

The wolf seemed to be injured and was limping on its left leg. It held a giant paw over its abdomen, and I could hear its snarling, snapping teeth as clearly as if they were right in front of me.

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