Chapter 44

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Hello my loves!
I'm so sorry that this chapter was late. I've been a busy little bee! 🐝
Oh, and in case you forgot...
You're all amazing and I love you. *smooches*
Enjoy the chapter!

 *smooches*  Enjoy the chapter!

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A week had passed since we'd traveled to the sub-levels of the Aviary. A week since Warrick had been horribly injured. His injuries were so severe that even his magical blood could not speed his healing. He'd been recovering very slowly, one day at a time.

But his wing was not. Sure, the wounds had closed... But the webbing between the framing was, so far, not growing back.

I hadn't seen him since it happened... I'd tried. But every time I stopped outside the infirmary doors, I found myself scurrying away. I just couldn't face him... Not yet. Not after what he'd sacrificed because of me...

I'd hardly left the training rooms this past week. The only time I was not there was when I was eating, sleeping, or bathing. Dristan was beginning to worry about me. Every time he would try to get me to come
home, or take a day off, I would lash out at him.

I knew that he meant well. He could see the guilt eating away at me each day. He could feel the anger, the regret, the sorrow that tortured me. The bond between us made sure of that. And even though I knew that he was only looking after me, I snapped at him every time he tried to get me out of the training rooms.

I couldn't help it.

I was tired of having no control over my magic. I was tired of other people getting hurt because of me. I was determined to train as hard as I could, every day, every moment that I could spare, to ensure that no one else would be at risk due to my lack of experience.

Each day, I grew a little bit stronger. Each day, I could feel the pool of magic within me growing deeper, and wider. I trained both with my magic, and with my body. Marrok sparred with me nearly everyday, and when he wasn't there, I trained with Torryn or Andi.

When I practiced my magic skills, either Ronan or Dristan would train with me. Usually it was my mate, but he wasn't always available to me. He had people to look after, issues to resolve within the Aviary. He worked nearly nonstop.

At first, when I'd mentioned training with Ronan, he'd furiously refused to allow it. But, after his overprotective instincts simmered down, and we'd had a long conversation about the pros and the cons, he'd finally agreed to let me train with Ronan. After all, who else was going to teach me about runes if not Ronan?

Ronan had been perfectly appropriate with me. He was polite, comfortable, and very instructive when we trained. It was a huge relief for me. If he had behaved in a way that made me uncomfortable, Dristan would not only have no longer allowed me to train with him, but he would probably have kicked him off the council, and maybe even out of the Aviary.

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