Chapter 24

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I awoke the next day, curled up on one of the chairs on my balcony. I rubbed at my eyes and looked around in confusion. How had I gotten here? Flashes of last night came rushing back to me, and at the same time, I became aware of the aching throbbing in my skull. I groaned as I sat up, my stomach turning in discomfort as I did.

By the time I realized I was going to vomit, there was no time to run to the washroom. I bolted to the stone railing of the balcony and hurled over the side, watching the foul substance plummet thought the empty air, toward the ground far, far below.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and groaned again. I'd never felt this hung over in my life. Granted, I'd only been drunk a handful of times before, but it was nothing like this. I nearly crawled to the washroom, every little movement seeming to take up every ounce of my strength and energy.

It took me nearly an hour to brush my teeth, bathe and get dressed. I pulled on a black, over sized sweater and some black, cotton pajama shorts. The thick material of the sweater on my skin seemed to suffocate me, my senses hightened from the horrible hang over, so I pulled the sweater back off and pulled on a flowing, black tank top instead. It felt a little better, but I would much rather have just lied in bed naked all day. But that wouldn't be an option.

Ronan was coming over today. When the thought hit me, I rushed to the mirror and gazed at my horrible looking face. I'd washed off the left over make up from last night, but I had dark circles under my eyes and I looked quite pale. Even my lips were pale. I groaned and began rummaging though the drawers of my vanity in search of cosmetics.

After applying some skin colored cream, setting powder, a few sweeps of blush, a coating of mascara, a bit of coal colored eyeliner, and some pink lip paint, I looked alive again. I sighed in relief, loosely braided my damp hair over my shoulder, and padded into the kitchen.

Again, coffee was waiting for me. I sat down on one of the stools and sipped it cautiously, afraid it might come right back up if I drank it too quickly. A bowl of blueberry oatmeal appeared in front of me and I wrinkled my nose at it. The steam coming off of it wafted toward me and I nearly threw up again. I shoved it away and decided to sit on the balcony while I nursed my coffee. Perhaps the fresh air would help.

As I sat in the warm light of the morning sun, listening to the crackling of the stone fireplace, I tried to remember getting back to my room. I remembered wandering the massive maze of hallways. I couldn't remember how long I'd stumbled around, but I knew it was a long time.

And then it came rushing back.

"Stalking is frowned upon you know."
"I miss you."
"Please... Don't."

I sucked in a lungful of air and winced as I recalled the tortured, empty look in his ocean eyes. He'd been following me...

I allowed a small smile to grace my lips. As much as it killed me that I couldn't be with him... I secretly reveled in knowing that he still wanted me. It seemed to lessen the sting of everything, even if it was only wishful thinking.

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