Chapter 2: More Sacrifice

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"I'm so sorry!" Clarke cried toward her slowly dying mother.

"Cut her down!" I ordered Jaha.

"You know I can't do that." He looked at me.

All of a sudden I see Ontari nod to no one and speak up.
"I understand."

I watched as she went to pick up a fire poker near the fire pit on the side of the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked them.

"Wait, stop!" Apparently Clarke had caught on.

Ontari kneeled and suddenly I understood. They were going to kill her so we couldn't put the flame in her.

"Jaha don't do this. Alie stop it!"
"Please don't do this!"

Jaha raised the poker up and hit Ontari in the side of the head.

Right after Bellamy and...Murphy? Okay, Murphy kicked in the door.

"Bellamy stop him!" Clarke shouted towards Jaha. Without thought he trained his gun on the former chancellor and shot him.

I helped Murphy let down Abby while Bellamy went at Jaha and then untied Clarke.

"Is she alive? Is she breathing?!"
I felt for a pulse before looking up at her.

"She's breathing Clarke. She will be okay."

"Bellamy Jaha has the flame. Get it." I pointed towards the man on the floor.

I moved toward Ontari with Clarke.
"We can't let Ontari die. We have to stop the bleeding."

"Her pulse is weak."

Suddenly it hit me.

"Clarke he hit her in the head. Her pupils."

Her eyes went wide as she checked her eyes.

"Her pupils are unresponsive."

"What? What does that mean?" Bellamy asked us.

"She's brain dead. She can't give us the kill code." Clarke said shaking her head.

"Its over." I told them sighing.

"We're trapped here." Murphy said looking to me.


We all sat here thinking while Clarke pulled what was left of the chip out of her moms head.

I turned away for there mother daughter moment as Abby woke up. Instead I was looking at Bellamy, Murphy, and now Pike as he walked in the door gun aimed at Abby.

"No no no! I used the EMP she's back."
Clarke said shielding her mother on the steps of the throne.

"Well what about Ontari?" Murphy asked her.

I stepped forward.
"Ontari is no longer an option for the flame. She's brain dead."

"Is the floor secure?" Clarke asked the boys.

"For now. Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom." Bellamy told us.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder as we climbed. The stairs are collapsed. No one is following us."

I glanced from Bellamy to Pike as they both talked. Why is he here??

"Good. Then we have time." Clarke said nodding to me.

"What we don't have is a way down."
Murphy pointed out.

"Time for what Clarke?" I asked her.

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