Chapter 8: Do Shut Up

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We all silently made our way through Polis to the temple.

"Dula op nou move!" We heard from above. Had I looked up, I would have seen an archer. (Do not move!)

My dad took a few steps forward hold up the royal seal of King Roan.

"Its okay! I carry the seal of your king."

In response to this a door up ahead opened up and a few azgeda warriors slipped out.

"Azgeda planhaka" I heard Indra spit.

"Keep your heads down we agreed they will let us pass."

"Gon daun!" The man yelled. (Weapons down)

Kane motioned for us to do as told but I hesitated making Indra and my men do the same.

"I'm the skaikru chancellor. As your ally, we seek safe passage to the temple." One of the warriors came up and grabbed the royal seal.

We waited for the man to mKe a decision before he turned to the other warriors.

"Let them pass."

The moment those words slipped out of his mouth Indra grabbed Monty's gun and fired on the Azgeda warriors killing them all.

I nodded in approval to her as she handed the gun back to him.

"They were letting us pass!" My father yelled at us.

"If there is a bunker there Azgeda will never see the inside." Indra spat at my father. He looked at me and I merely nodded in agreement to her words before we moved forward.

As the twins opened the doors I entered first with Gaia and looked to her.

"Where is it?"

She pointed to the back of the room.
"Its under the alter."

"Be quick. Echo will send reinforcements." Indra told my father.

Jaha began to move things before he paused and looked to Monty.

"Its here. I knew it. Help me!"
I watched as they both began to move things that had been on top of a small metal circle.

"How do we open it?" Monty said after the final uncovered it.

"Like every other lock Mr.Green. With a key." Jaha said pulling out the circle.

We watched as he put the circle down but it didn't fit. Suddenly all hope flew out the window.

"Can you open it or not?" Indra asked.

"We have to." Monty said turning to us.

My father looked to me.
"We need more time. Can you reposition your army to the temple?"

"I can...but if I do that we lose the tower."

"The tower won't save you!" Jaha yelled. I raised my right eyebrow.

"Chancellor Jaha are you raising your voice at me?" He sighed but shook his head returning to the key.

"Neither will the ashes of the first commander if that's all that's down there." Indra told them.

"Mother please?" I looked to Gaia and then Indra. Indra looked to me for guidance.

I sighed and turned to Ivan.
"You four guard the door. Buy us some time. Take the guns." He nodded and they moved to follow my order.

After about an hour of thinking the sound of yelling came from outside and my guards came rushing in.

"We were brought here for a reason, Gaia. Think. Is there another key?" Jaha asked her.

"We have to go. You shouldve brought more guns." Indra said storming in.

"Then move your army into position-"
I cut Jaha off.

"I will not give up the tower for the temple and a door you can not open."

My father turned to Jaha.
"We can come back."
"When before or after the death wave hits? Leave if you have to go. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm staying too." I sighed. Of course Monty would.

Jaha hands Monty the key and Monty studies it.

"Maybe we are not worthy. Maybe we are meant to burn in primfaya." Gaia says looking to the bunker door.

"No we are not meant to burn. We were meant to rise from the ashes."
Jaha said wisely.

"Wait." I looked to Monty.
"What is it Monty?" My dad asked.

"From the ashes we will rise. What if it's not just a motto. What if it's an instruction?"

I watched as Monty and Jaha moved to a bowl of fire and placed the key in. The fire turned pink for a second before Jaha put the fire out. They pulled the key out and I noticed it was now a triangle not a circle.

They made they're way to the door and the key fit. Suddenly the door opened.

I looked to Indra.
"Hold this temple. Move our army into position now."


I was sitting inside the bunker with the ambassadors and Indra. Apparently Azgeda blocked off our people from getting in. Made a second ring around our soldiers and wanted to talk. Of course they did....we found the bunker that was going to save us all.

"Queen Heda! They are here." I nodded to Ivan and stood up.

"Shall we go greet the king of azgeda and tell him to get out?" I asked the war cheifs causing a small laugh to go around.

The seven war chiefs now stood behind me and Indra as they followed us to the center of the bunker. There Clarke stood with Roan up top.

"All my enemies in one place." I heard him say to Clarke.

"Who are they?" She asked him.

"The warcheifs of the trikru alliance."

"The queen heda and indra were supposed to be alone."

"Where is the fun in that Clarke?" I asked from below.

"Do come down here so I can remind you who is in charge between the two of us. I am still your leader after all."

Waiting until they made there way down I motioned for Indra to say her peace.

"You murdered our people. Burned our villages to the ground. Yet you have the nerve to come here in the name of peace."

"Not peace survival." He corrected her.

"You tried to take this bunker for yourself, yet here I am willing to talk."

"The trikru alliance holds the temple. Of course your willing to talk Roan."
"And the Azgeda alliance surrounds it." He throws back at me.

"None of your people will get inside unless we come to terms."

"This war is inevitable Queen Heda. The only reason it hasn't happened before now is that Lexa and you commanded it. On your orders now my queen." Indra advises on my right.

"The only thing that is inevitable is primfaya. In six days, anyone who is not in this bunker will be dead."

"Clarke I suggest you shut up." She threw me an appalling look.

"You made an alliance without my permission. We had a talk about that if I'm not wrong. I am your superior. I am the one that calls for war or makes alliances. So shut up."

I looked to my left to Ivan.
"Move all of my belongings into the bunker. My crowns and swords along with my clothes. Grab the commanders garbs as well."

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