Chapter 7: Nightblood

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*Pretend the hair in the image is brunette.*


Damn him.

Roan purposly left me here while he went to talk to Octavia. Idiot. He needs me.

So, instead I
The following days I went to train with Echo.

After three days of fighting she got in a slice to my arm. Every other time I had been careful but now.

She froze with wide eyes as I looked down at my hand that covered my arm.

Dropping my sword I quickly got a piece of cloth and wrapped my arm.

"Y-you are a nightbleda."

I shook my head.
"Echo I didnt know. Look I dont want to be commander you have to trust me. I would never go against Roan. This never happened okay."

I quickly left the room being careful not to run into anyone on my way back into my chambers. I had to stitch it up myself and wrap it. Reminding myself that for a while I would need to wear long sleeved clothes.


Apparently the flame had been destroyed at least that what Ivan told me when he came to my room the next morning after incident with Echo.

He had heard that Octavia brought a looters head back to Roan in the throne room along with the destroyed pieces of the flame.

So for the next few days Roan layed low. Didn't go outside or anything.

Me? I travelled all around the city helping those who were still hurt by Alie. People had begun to call me the rightful ruler but I always denied it.

Soon enough I knew Roan had gotten tired of waiting for my people to come up with a solution to save us. So he called me to the Azgeda embassy to have a meeting with my father.

We sat waiting for him to arrive and soon enough he did.

"Is there a reason we are meeting in the embassy? I would have thought-" My dad asked us.

"Tell me the plan." Roan threw back.

"The plan?"

"Its been three weeks since Clarke told me primfaya would once again destroy our world. Skaikru asked for time to find a solution. What do you have to show for it?"

"We are still working on it. Hopefully with more time-"
"Enough. Echo."

At this I sat up straighter and made eye contact with her only to be distracted by the people she dragged in.

"Roan." I gritted out.
"Stephans, Bellamy. Are you alright? What is this?" My dad turned and looked to me while I merely turned to Roan.

"Echo saw your people rebuilding your ship. She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says it's a shelter from the radiation."

I held my breath. Dad don't say something stupid.

"Its a backup plan, nothing more."

Like that.

"He said that too. Just before he told us that you have a nightblood." I glanced to Echo who saw this but shook her head. She didn't say anything? Wow.

"Its a good thing the flame has been destroyed or I'd be worried you're planning an ascension." Roan said stepping closer to my father.

"We discovered that nightblood helps metabolize radiation. We're investigating ways to create it for everyone. Turn everyone into nightbloods. So we can all survive."

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