Chapter 9: Conclave

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"Roan." Clarke looked to him as if he would save her from my wrath.

He gave her a look.

"We we fight." I nodded.

Roan and I took a step towards each other while Clarke stepped in between us.

"No. There is room for twelve hundred people in here. We could share it equally. All of the clans will survive. That's what Lexa would have wanted."

I thought about it. What if we all did share it equally?

"Your right she would have and if she were here the clans might actually have obeyed her. But seeing as there is no commander to rule us...war it is."

No commander to rule us..hmmm.

I followed Clare and Roan up and out of the temple but Clarke stopped and closed the doors turning to Gaia.


"What are you doing?" She asked Clarke.

"I know you have the flame. I know Octavia gave it to you."

"I think you should leave Clarke." I told her as I stepped up into the ground out of the bunker stairwell.

"I can't let them fight a war over the one thing that can save us."

"Not even wanheda can stop the clans from killing each other." Gaia told her.

"No. But a commander could."

I took a step forward. Did Echo say something to her?

"Of course a commander could. Unfortunately we need a natblida for that." Gaia said incredulously.

Suddenly in one movement Clarke grabbed Gaia's knife from her belt and cut her hand.

Black blood? What the hell?

"Make me the commander."


I got dressed and made my way with my men to the throne room.
(outfit above)

I nodded to a guard near by.
"Blow the horn for a commanders ascension."

"Yes Queen Heda." He said running off.

I walked in behind Clarke as the ambassadors, warriors, and war cheifs stood or sat around the room.

I moved to stand beside Gaia as Roan entered the room. My eyes moved to Echo who gave me a curious look. I shook my head but she looked even more confused.

"Through dark. flame kik raun ona. Medo passes ba keryon ste yuj. Hofli keryon choose wisely. Let Heda gyon op." Gaia said as she motioned to the doors. (Through the dark..the flame lives on. The body passes but the spirit is strong. May the spirit choose wisely. Let the commander rise.)

Clarke enters causing everyone to become confused.

"What is this? Wanheda is no natblida!" Indra says calling the attention to her.

Gaia grabs Clarkes hand and cuts it over the flame. Black blood oozed out.

"Yjus kom heda..ste bilaik drein au."
Gaia told Clarke.

"May the spirit choose wisely." I said to the room.

"May the spirits of the commanders guide me." Clarke said back.

I watched as Clarke turned around and kneeled facing me as she moved her hair aside.

"Lies upon lies. You even had our dearest Queen heda convinced." I gave a confused look to Roan who had just stepped forward.

"Get out of this sacred circle." Gaia said as he got closer.

"There is nothing sacred about any of this. Wanheda is making a mockery of our faith."

"I'm trying to save us, your highness. You know that." Clarke said standing up.

"Because you think we are savages in need of saving?" He asked in a spiteful manner.

"Primfaya is almost here."

"Then let's not waste anymore time. Bring in the healer!"

I watched as Abby came in escorted by Echo who had at some time left.

"Tell them, healer. Go on tell them all. How it is your daughter became a natblida."

"Through science." The room was throne into confusion and outrage.

"You made her a nightblood?" I asked Abby. She nodded.

"If anyone can be a natblida...if anyone can take the flame, then we can no longer trust the blood." Roan said stepping back.

I looked to Echo and sighed. I guess this is where I step in.

"What we can still trust is a sword. We've delayed this war long enough." I went to walk past him but he spoke up.

"Wait." I turned to face him with a sigh.

"Wanheda is right about one thing. Fighting a war is a bad way to decide who gets to survive. You summoned all the scouts here for an ascension but you left out the best part."

I looked to Roan confused.
"A conclave?" He nodded.

"A final conclave. One champion per clan. One death instead of thousands. And whoever wins gets the bunker."

He held out his hand and I put mine on it.
"To the victor goes the spoils. Trikru is in." I told him. The rest of the clans put their hands on ours before ripping all of them away.

Think of Bellamy. Think of Bellamy. I told myself as I walked out.

I gathered my swords as there was a knock on the door.

"Who do you choose as your champion?" Indra asked me.

"For trikru or skaikru?" I asked.

"For trikru." I turned to her as I layed out my swords.

"I choose myself." Her eyes went wide.

"My queen, no." I shook my head.
"As the leader of my people I will fight at dawn for not just trikru but all of the clans. My word is final Indra."

That night I snuck out to find Clarke who was with Bellamy on a balcony.

"Bellamy..can we talk?" I asked him. He said something to Clarke before walking my way.

"What's up?" He asked once we got to my rooms.

I sat on the bed and sighed. Here goes nothing.

"I'm fighting in the conclave tomorrow."

I waited and waited and waited some more. Finally I got the courage to look him in the eye. They might as well have been black.



No, Sera."

"Its already been decided and Indra knows."

He huffed sitting on the bed.
"Octavia is fighting tomorrow."

I sighed laying down beside him.
"I will not fight her. I refuse. She will be my second if I win. I will not allow her to die. I will protect her as well."

Suddenly I felt lips on my own. Wasting no time I responded and lifted my hand to run it through the chocolate brown curls. I felt his hands everywhere while my lips tingled.

I bet you can guess what happened on my possibly last night alive.

The New Queen(3)-Bellamy BlakeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin