Chapter 27:New World

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I opened my eyes looking at Madi.

"What's happened?" I asked as she gave me a look.

"You and Eli need to get dressed now." I sat up and swung myself off the bed. She held out my bag.

"Your going to need a crown."


I got dressed in a dress that apparently Harper made for me. She and Monty had stayed awake and found us a new planet. Alpha.

They were moving the transport ship somewhere near a place called Sanctum. There were royals there who wanted to speak with me. We waited until evening and thats when Ivan, Devan, and the twins escorted me out of the ship.

Ivan blew his horn three times to let the others know we are here.

I could hear people running to see what the sound was as I walked up the stairs holding my dress as I did so.

I watched as people looked in awe. Mostly the children. I smiled softly at them as I walked by. I was directed by some guards to a pair of double doors.

Madi and Eli went in first with Diyoza and the others then I went in with my guards.

"Bow for her majesty the Queen Serafina! Heda gon sonraun, the last protector, and savior of the human race."

Walking in I saw everyone of my people bowing except theres. I raised an eyebrow at this but said nothing. I turned my attention to the man and woman who stood guarded by men with spears.

I stopped in front of them and bowed my head.

"Pleasure to meet you. You must be Russel and Simone lightborne. I've already heard of you through my peoples whisperings." I acknowledged before walking past them and joining my son beside Bellamy.

"As have we." Russel said shortly but I could tell his wife was thrown off guard.

"Its been a long day so I'll keep this short. Sanctum was created to be a sanctuary for the human race. After seeing you save delilah, we have decided that you deserve that too."

"You changed you mind? We can stay?" I tilted my head to Clarke.

"Changed his mind?" I looked to her.

"Clarke decided to call the shots while you were asleep Queen Heda." Raven said from the bar. I nodded my thanks. I turned to her.

"We will discuss why you didn't wake me later Clarke." She looked away from my glare.

"So she is not a leader of your people?" I shook my head.

"I am. As is my son. Prince Marcellus Elijah Blake." He nodded to my son with a smile.

"Well we will have to get to know one another better." I nodded my assent.

"Back to what my husband said. You can stay for now. But no more of you. You will follow our rules and respect our traditions and we will teach you how to survive here." I nodded.

"I have another term to add." I spoke up.

"You will also have to observe certain traditions when it comes to my people. It is only fair." I told her. She gave me an impressed look and then pursued her lips in thought.

"How long exactly have you been a ruler?" She quized.

"Since she was born." My people answered. I wanted to laugh at how defensive of me they were.

"What my wife is trying to say is..welcome to sanctum." Russell cut in. Rude. We were having a conversation.

Everyone seemed to relax and breathe easier. Simone walked towards Diyoza.

"You're with child. How far along?"
"Six months, give or take."

"Through cryosleep, then?"

"That's remarkable. If you'd like we can have one of our prenatal physicians examine you in the morning."

"I like. Thank you."

"You should've seen Diyoza and Octavia fighting terrorists." Madi told Clarke.

"Where is Octavia?" I asked the group.

"Charmaine Diyoza?" Russell asked loudly. I tilted my head to the side.


"Escort this woman past the shield right now." He ordered his guards sharply.

I held my hand up and stood in front of her.
"Wait a moment. Be civil. What is this?" I asked him.

"Seems my reputation proceeds me your majesty. You should step out of the way." Grabbing my dress I move aside.

"You could say that. Your face is in our history books right next to Hitler and bin laden."

"What about the baby?" I asked them calmly. I would figure out a way to get her back. I winked at Diyoza who smiled at me.

"If anyone would care to join her be my guest." Madi went to step forward but I put my hand in her shoulder before she could pass.

"Yu Ogeda stay!" I shouted loudly to the room. Madi backed up so she stood next to Clarke. Simone gave me a look when she didn't understand what I said. I guess she is a person that hates when she isn't told things.
(You all stay!)

I watched as the guards escorted her.
"Its okay kid. Stay frost. Sera eyes open." I nodded once eyes on her as they left the room.

"Sera is that your nickname?" Simone asked.

"Its your majesty, Queen heda, or Queen Serafina. And people I don't know usually bow ro me. I expect your people to give me the same respect as I will give them. As all of my people will." I told her sharply.

"They already disrespected my people-"

"And I was not here to control that. But I am now." She nodded.

"I assume you all don't have much clothing. Someone will provide that for you. Queen serafina I will have dresses delivered to your room. I assume your son needs clothes as well." I nodded and then they left.

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