Chapter 24: Stupid.

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We snuck up to a small house and Clarke opened the door.

"Mom?" Clarke called out. Madi closed the door behind us.

"Oh my god. Mom. Mom?" Clarke rushed over to Abby who was on the floor out cold. As Clarke tried to wake her I noticed the pills on the floor.

"Mom can you hear me? I need you to swallow this tube for me. Okay?" Clarke grabbed a tube with a funnel at the top when she noticed that I held the pill bottle in my hand.

I poured the saline in when she said to and Abby started choking on the saline. Removing the tube she turned her over so her face was in a bucket while she threw up the pills.

I held her hair back with Clarke.

"Doc. We ready to get back to work?" I heard Mccreary's voice. Suddenly he entered the house with three other men and was holding up a bottle of pills.

"How the hell did you get here?" He asked us.

They took us to there tech screen for the eye right after we told them what happened. I kept Eli close to me as possible.

"A 24-hour loop. Clever." He said.

"Now if you'll excuse us I have to see my mo-"
"How long do we have?" He cut Clarke off.

"Assuming they left this morning...six days maybe seven."

He turned to a tech man at the desk.
"Override the loop I want to know where the hell they are."

"Brother it took me ten minutes to find rewind." I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Your all sick." I realized after looking around the room they were all coughing.

"That's why you took our doctor." I announced. He nodded.

"Let's get our functioning junkie functioning again. Give her some of these." He said throwing him a bottle of pills.

"Wait." I stepped forward.
"Junkie?" He nodded.

"She just overdosed. You can't give her more she could die." Clarke told him.

"You both pumped her stomach so obviously you have some skills. I'll tell you what. You both have 24 hours to get her operating again. Once she's back on her feet if she still won't cure us...well I guess you both get to watch you children die." I smiled shaking my head.

"You can't touch me or my son." I told him. He scowled.

"And why is that?"
"I'm the only one who knows how the army is going to attack and where." He sighed but nodded.

"Fine then just the doctors daughter." He said storming out.

We were now sitting in what seems to be Clarke's old home. She new where everything was. Eli and Madi were watching Abby while we cleaned up and talked.

"She's awake." I walked over with Clarke as Eli moved over for me to sit on the bed.

"Mom?" Clarke asked as we looked her over.

"Clarke?" She asked coming out of a daze.

"Hello to you too Abby." I smiled.

"How?" She started to lull back to sleep again soon though.

"Mom no hey..hey." Clarke grabbed her face making her wake up again.

"I don't want you to see me like this." She closed her eyes as if she didn't want to see us.

"Mom, I need you. We're in trouble. Octavia's and Seragina's army will in here in five days. Unless you treat MCcrearys people...."

"Clarke, no." Madi said.

"Madi this is not up for discussion."

"I saw her picture. Who is she?" Abby whispered.

"Its a long story. Right now we have to focus on getting you better so you can operate." Clarke told her.

"No. Those people...Mccreary-"
"Is a murderer and a sociopath. Who happens to need the same thing that we do. To stop Octavia."

"He threatened to kill us didn't he?" Madi asked. Clarke and I exchanged looks.

"Yes. I don't like this anymore than you do. But if we help him, we live. His people win the war. We worry about the rest later. Mom you heart rate is weak and your not retaining fluid. I'm worried if you take any more of these pills to function-"

"Your right. My system is to compromised. " She whispered to Clarke.

"Then how do we do this? A detox takes too long. You have to be operating in 24 hours."

She looked at the pill bottle.
"First you get rid of the pills." Clarke nodded and handed them to Madi.

"Then I want you to get my bag. It's under the bed." I grabbed it, putting it next to me and Clarke.

"There's an opiate blocker in the bag. I used to give them in the bunker. Tramadol. That'll put me into a rapid detox. If my heart stops...theres adrenaline in there too."

"It didnt happen the last time.."
Last time?

"How long has this been going on?" Clarke asked.

"Too long." She admitted.
"Administer with the Iv. 20ccs to start. You need to tie me down first."

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because I don't want to hurt anyone."  And with that she knocked back out.


I've been here for the past 5 days. Abby's heart stopped but we got it going again. My son has been sleeping most of the time so he hasnt witnessed much. But me.....I've officially decided war is monumentally stupid.

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