Chapter 16: Echo

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"There is no other choice. We keep moving." Octavia says about to walk away the was until Bellamy blocked her way. He should've learned the first time.

"Thanks to you we are stuck between razor blade winds and borrowing parasitic bug." What?

"Thanks to you, we are at war Bellamy."

"Only if you insist on fighting it."
"Fight or die that's all there is."

"You don't understand. I get it. Because you're not one of us." She said stepping back and grabbing my hand. That was her signal that meant she wanted me to agree with her and stand by her side.

"Is obika one of you? Hm? Because your about to end his life like he means nothing. I understand that."

I watched as Cooper went to move until Indra held her back.
"Show some respect." A man told Bellamy from the side.

"Easy." I told the people.
"I'd stop if I were you." O whispered to him.

Suddenly screams could be heard throughout the camp.

"He's awake."

We all took off running me following them to see what the hell was going on.

Entering a tent everyone is holding Obika? They were holding him down while he yelled. Suddenly his stomach started to distend as if something was trying to get out.

Then it exploded. Little black words flying everywhere thankfully I was able to get out of the tent but apparently Octavia wasn't so lucky.

"Indra burn it down. Kill them all!" I screamed and she picked up a log from the fire and threw it in zipping up the tent.

I held Octavia's hand as the bug moved in her arm.

"I can't feel my legs." She said as they carried her into another tent.

"Mommy?" I turned around and grabbed my son holding him close.

I looked up at the twins.
"He woke from the screamed demanded he saw you." I nodded and we watched as Octavia had to be held down as they got the worm out of her arm.

Clarke cut her arm and moved the worm under her skin under she grabbed it and pulled it out.

I pulled my son away from her.

"Bellamy if you can hear me this is an emergency." I looked to bellamy's radio. What could it possibly be right now Monty?

"Monty it's me. Something tells me we got your emergency beat." He told him.

"I doubt that. The prisoners have an eye in the sky on the mothership, and a missle system on their transport ship. They're on their way to you right now. You have to move. Hide somewhere take cover."

"Hide from an eye in the sky? How are we supposed to do that?"

"Murphy says we have a friend inside. If he's right the eye won't be have a window but you have to move. Now."

Finally they got the bug out and put it in a tin canister.
"Where do we find cover from missiles in the middle of a wasteland?"

"If they see us retreat they'll stand down." Clarke said. Stupid.

"You still don't understand. Wonkru does not retreat." I told them. Octavia nodded. Bellamy looked at me like I was crazy.

"You do if you want our son to live."

Indra snapped at him for talking to me like that. Like I was a bad mother.

"Now is not the time for a debate. Even if we did retreat the path home puts us in the middle of a sandstorm."
I watched as Octavia stood up while Indra spoke.

"Those ruins are not our home. That valley is and we are taking it back." She spat at Bellamy.

"Octavia easy the venom is sti in your system." Clarke told her. O slowly made her way to me and Ivan held her up. She turned to Bellamy and Clarke.

"Get ready to understand."

We marched out of the tent and I looked at all of the soldiers that stood waiting for us to come out.

"Wonkru on us! Protect the prince!" We all grabbed our bags and whatnot that we could grab fast. Including mine and Eli's belongings.

And then there we sat in the middle of the sandstorm surrounded by our soldiers as Indra yelled the word hold. I had my body on top of my sons and held a cloth to his mouth just incase.

It took what felt like hours until we were all in the clear and the sun came up. Octavia and I sat on a mound of sand next to Eli as I watched Ivan and the rest of my men breath. They seemed to be better off than what most of them were like but still.

"What's wrong? Is it a worm?" O asked Clarke who was with Indra. She was struggling to breath.

"I don't think so. I'm guessing there is glass in her lungs. We gotta get her back to polis."

"My queen. Bloodreina. There is eleven dead. Twelve including Obika."

"Take their weapons and their armor. Leave the bodies."
"Leave them? I asked her.

"Theres no time. The enemy can see us. Sound the retreat."

I watched as Miller walked away and started shouting orders.

"Let me see that arm." Clarke said as she inspected the hole in Octavias arm.

"Damage to the muscle should be minimal, but we'll know more in the next few days."

I smirked at Octavia. We always said this whenever the other couldn't fight.

"I guess you really will fight like Roan now." She huffed out a laugh.

"Thank you for saving my life." She told Clarke.

"You saved ours." I turned to see Bellamy sit next to O.

"You were both right. Wonkru is strong. Just like their leaders."

I watched as O got closer to him and brought him in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're alive bug brother.....but if you ever speak our against wonkru again, then you are an enemy of wonkru." The sweet smile that was on my face dropped.

I watched as they pulled back and she gripped his face.
"And your are my enemy." She said looking into his eyes. I sighed.

She had hope for a total of five seconds before she became blood

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