Chapter 10: Ogeda

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When I woke up the bed was cold and empty. He had left. I didn't blame him. He was about to lose possibly both Octavia and I. But he had to leave an hour before the conclave?

After Gaia had announced all of the champions she realized that ours was not called.

"The champion of trikru!" Stepping though the crowd, I could hear the whispers as I passed. I had pulled a Lexa. I had made a cut on my arm and used the black blood as Lexa had on her face. Now everyone would know I was a natblida.

"Queen Heda of Trikru and Skaikru will be fighting as champion for trikru." Yells of outrage about me fighting arose from the crowd.

"The people do not want you to fight." Roan said as I stood beside him.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.
"Your their commander of life. You give them hope. What happens when hope dies?"

I stopped talking and listened to Gaia.

"..when that warrior delivers all of the sigils from the fallen and delivers them to me, they will be declared victor. This final champion will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Bekka Pramheda and which clans are meant to perish in primfaya."

"We honor those who fall by the sword." I turned to Roan.

"If you win take care of my people Roan." He nodded.

"If I die our deal still holds. You lead Azgeda in my stead." I nodded and turned back to Gaia only to see a woman with red hair.

"I'm Luna Kim flokru and I'm the last of my clan."

"We know who you are. The natblida who ran from her conclave."

"I'm not running from this one."

Gaia seemed to hesitate before turning to grab the sigil for flokru.

She turned back to her.

"Accept this sigil, Luna kom flokru, but with your clan gone who will you fight for?" Gaia asked her.

"I fight for no one. I fight for death."
She turned to the crowd and held up her sigil.

"When I win, no one will be saved."

I made eye contact with Bellamy who was watching Octavia and I from the crowd.

"I love you." I mouthed to him.
He mouthed in back before the crowd backed up so we can get to our weapons that were being held in the armory.

I walked with Indra over to Octavia.

"Lincolns tattoo." Indra said to Octavia.

"Dont fight with aggression. Dont reveal you next move before you strike-"

"And never leave myself exposed." She said to Indra. She looked to me in hesitation.

"I promised your brother I would protect you but I'm also here to make a deal. Us as the final two. We rule together. You and I. They clans won't be able to say no, once I announce that I am fighting for all of the clans not just trikru."

She nodded.
"It sounds like a good plan. I'm in. Take out whoever you can but we both go for Luna together. We kill the last person together."


I stood in my tunnel with the trikru flag ready to go. I had knives galore and my two swords. One from Gian and my own made to be an exact match to his.

Once the horn blew I was off the like bullet. Eventually killing three people and taking their sigils. Plains riders, rockline, and shallow valley.

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