Chapter 22: Ascension

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I sat at her bedside with Jackson, Miller, and Nyla.

"She's getting worse." Nyla told Jackson. I gripped Octavia's hand.

"I know. If your right there's something in her blood, dialysis should filter it out." He said pressing some buttons.

Suddenly the door opened and Indra walked in with Bellamy.

"How is she?" Indra asked us.

"Her systems are shutting down." Jackson told her.

"You were there. Tell us everything that happened. Did she take anything? Drink anything?" Nyla inquired to Bellamy.

"Its like I told Indra and Miller. She was eating one of your rations. Why?"

"Because she might have been poisoned. That's why."

"Nyla that's enough. She's his sister." I whispered. She sighed but nodded.

"We were sharing it the wonkru way. I ate it too and I'm fine." Bellamy defended.

"Have you considered that the worm toxin might still be in her blood?" Indra asked Jackson.

I huffed and turned to Ivan at the door.
"Get me my son."

He nodded and left the room while I turned back to the conversation between Indra and Jackson.

"Its possible. Making this a secondary reaction to the substance. She was exposed to. But a week ago.."
"English." I snapped at him.

"Dialysis won't work. Nothing will my queen. We need to prepare for everything to be handed over to you."

"Inform wonkru. Gather the first battalion and the delegates in the rotunda." I ordered Indra.

I stood up and made my way to the door but paused looking to Jackson.

"If there is any change at all. I want to be the very first to know. I don't care if I'm in the middle of a speech you come tell me." With that I walked out of Octavia's room and went to my own. Ordering a guard not to let my son in until I'm dressed I went in.

Quickly changing instead of my usual blood on my face I kept my face clear.

Walking to the door I found my son waiting outside

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Walking to the door I found my son waiting outside.

"Get dressed into something more appropriate son. We need to make an announcement in the rotunda."

I waited until he was done and he came out of the room. He was dressed in a long sleeve black shit with a fur cloak and black pants. One red sash went from his right shoulder to his left hip. His hair combed. He looked like the prince of Wonkru. That's my boy.

"Momma why can't I have a sword like you?" I smiled at him as we began to walk.

"Because they are too heavy for you little warrior. I will have someone make you your own about that?" He nodded quickly making Ivana and the boys laugh.

"I take it we will be training him to fight with it then?" Thorom asked. I nodded.

Making out way to the rotunda I saw everyone there. Miller and more guards than normal were stationed around my throne. My throne not Octavia's and mine. They only rolled out mine from the office.

I sat in my throne and motioned for my son to stand on my left by my side. I took a breath.

"The whispers are true. Our beloved bloodreina has fallen ill. These may be her final hours. Listen to me." I spoke louder over the murmurs. Everyone went silent.

"I trained with Octavia. She was my warrior. I love her as if she was my real sister by blood. It was her desire that if she ever fall, I step forward to lead you with my son. Bloodreina wanted what we all want. To live a better life in shallow valley and we will." Suddenly people started arguing and I stood up.

"Enough!" I grabbed Millers gun and shot it at the ceiling. Everyone went silent.

"Now I'm not asking you to follow me. I'm asking you to follow Octavia and I. She may be sick but she is still one of your leaders. Yesterday she ordered us to march on the valley and so we march. We will honor our Bloodreina."

"Gon bloodreina." I told them.
"Gon bloodreina." They began to chant.(For bloodreina.)

With that I stood up and went into the office behind me. My son following with our advisors and guards.

"Everyone but my son leave. Someone bring me Madi." I said as I sat down on the couch. My son sat next to me.

"Why madi?"
"Because your father is a sneaky man and will try to find any means necessary to stop the war." He nodded.

We waited for a good five minutes before the doors opened and in came Madi and Gaia? She must have been in training.

"Queen Serafina?" She asked confused.

"I've called you here because I have a feeling Bellamy is going to try and get you to take the flame." She looked scared.

"Don't be afraid child because we are going to work together on this." She smiled lightly.

"Clarke doesn't want me to take the flame."

"Neither do I. Your a child. You should live your life." She sighed.

"You deserve to be commander." I shook my head.

"No one ever deserves what they are given. They have to earn it."

"Go now. Relax. Remember what I have told you."


"Queen heda!" I looked to the door that Miller had just burst through.

"She's awake but-" He was cut off by the horn of an....ascension call? Bellamy.

I pushed by him and ran to find Gaia and Madi. That poor poor child.

I ran above ground to find a forward of people looking at me confused. I guess they thought it was me who was taking the flame.

My guards flanked me as I rushed through the crowd apparently Clarke and Octavia followed me at some point.

"Back away from the child right now." Miller yelled drawing his gun on Bellamy.

I rushed to Madi and saw she was unconscious.

"I'm sorry Queen heda." I looked to Gaia and glared at her.

"The flame is in her already?" I said confirming. She nodded.

I looked to Clarke who had walked up to Bellamy. I wanted to cheer her on when she hit him.

"I need to get it out." I grabbed Clarkes hand stopping her.
"You can't it is binding with her mind if we take it out now it could cause damage to her brain Clarke. She may never wake up. We have to wait."

"Quiet traitor. Do it Clarke." Octavia said walking into the circle of people.

"If you do it you make her a martyr. You weaken yourself even more bloodreina." Gaia spat.

Clarke looked to me and I shook my head.

"I can't." Clarke told Octavia.

"Take them to the rover. Go." Octavia told the guard.

One of her guards picked up Madi and I followed them as they walked to the rover.

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