Chapter 28: Naming Day

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Last night my son and I were escorted to our room. And three nice dresses were brought to my room the  Along with some clothes for my son. (Three dresses above.)

The clothes they brought for him consisted of two pairs of pant one pair of shorts and three different tops. But they they had something else for him. It was a nice looking black jacket. It was cute and looked like it would fit him. Actually, all of the clothes they brought seemed to be our exact size.

I showered with the bathroom door closed and put on the white and gold dress. My hair had somehow seemed to grow longer while I was in cryo sleep. It was now down to my waist but everything else remained the same.

"Mom?" I added my mothers golden crown before leaving the bathroom.

"Mom?" I added my mothers golden crown before leaving the bathroom

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I kissed his head after I opened the bathroom door.

"Face, teeth, and hair. Take a shower and dress up. I want the black shirt and pants. Remember you sash okay?" He nodded and closed the bathroom door to get ready.

I made my way down the stairs. Our room was right across from Madi's. She came out at the same time as me.

She paused and looked at me with big eyes.
"Wow." I smiled. The child had never seen me like this before yesterday. This time it was a bigger crown.

"You a queen." I chuckled and walked down the stairs after her.

"I would hope so."

"What's going on?" Madi asked as people all around us rushed around.

"Its naming day and you're guests of honor!" A man said next to Clarke. He looked at the crown on my head before guessing.

"Princess?" I shook my head.
"Queen." He nodded and bowed causing me to smile. He was polite.

He offered me and Madi a cookie. I shook my head and instead walked outside to look over sanctum. There I found my men all stood together in a group. To everyone else they probably look terrifying. Covered in fur and holding swords on their hips.

"Goodmorning." They all turned and bowed their head.
"Queen heda."

"Where did you all sleep last night?" Ivan grunted.

"Russell was kind enough to offer us beds in some house near by. But we all would feel more comfortable sleeping in the ship." I sighed but nodded my approval.

I looked around. Flowers and pretty colors..everyone is so happy.

"Everyone smiles too much here. It scares me." Devan said causing us to laugh.

"Its cause there is no suffering here. Not anymore." I turned and nodded my head respectfully to Russell.

"I thank you for giving my men quarters last night." He smiled.
"Of course. I was told they were your royal guardsmen. I'm sure you would have wanted them near by." I nodded lightly.

"Come" He held out his arm.
"You don't want to miss the opening ceremony. I've told my people to spread the word about you. They will show you the respect that you deserve." I nodded silently.

As we walked people bowed until after we had passed.

"Are they only doing that because I am with you or because they know I am a Queen." He chuckled.



A horn sounded five times and my men made sure no one got too close. I was in the front of the crowd next to Jordan. He was Monty and Harpers kid. Shockingly. He was a pretty cute kid and he had manners. They did good by him.

I watched as Russell left my side to go to his wife up on his balcony and two other woman. There was a microphone there.

"Welcome to naming day." Cheers and applause shouted throughout the crowd. I smiled and lightly clapped. Why? To be polite.

"Today we observe the four pillars of sanctum. They are?"

"Repent, renew, rejoice, rebirth." That wasn't cult like at all.

"Correct rebirth." Suddenly I felt someone grab hold of my hand and saw Eli. I smiled and he relaxed at my hold.

"Today we mark the return of our beloved Priya.."
"Hallowed be her name." The crowd responded. What the hell.

"As we bequeath her name to our equally beloved Delilah. As is tradition with every naming day. I will begin the process of making amends. As your leader it is my job to keep you safe during the red sun. Kaylee.." So that's one of the womens names. She was wearing royal blue and it looked good. Except for her hair.

"I failed you in this. When I realized you and your family didn't make it to rykers keep before the eclipse. I closed the door. I kept it open as long as I could until the life of everyone was at risk. It was a decision with tragic consequences. I know the heartbreak you feel. I know your pain. I miss Josephine every day." Simone looked to her husband and hugged him. I'm guessing Josephine is someone close. Maybe a daughter.

Applause once again came from the crowd.
"And now its your turn. Tell your neighbor that you love them. Make amends for those you've hurt."

I turned and hugged my son.
"I love you little warrior."
"I love you too mom."

"Can I have a word Queen Heda?" I turned to Bellamy who walked up only to be stopped with a hand to the chest by Ivan.

"Depends." He sighed.

"I wanted to apologize and talk somewhere private." He said glancing to Eli. I nodded understand and looked at Ivan.

"Take Eli to...Gaia." It too me a second to think as Bellamy had stepped closer to me.

Ivan took Eli while Devan and the twins stayed with me.

"What is it you wanted to talk about Bell?" I asked as I began to walk around Sanctum.

"Our son." I nodded.
"When can I spend time with him?" I glanced at him.

"Depends. Will the azgeda spy be there?" He sighed.

"I really wish you and her got along."
"Then you are foolish. You were supposed to wait for me. It was supposed to be me and you. But now there is her. Have I lost you already or do I still stand a chance?" I asked him coming to a stop away from the crowds. A while back Devan had the twins and him hold back but I decided to stay in eye sight.

"Echo and I are complicated. We havent named what we are. You and I did..."
"We also have a kid together Bellamy."

He nodded.
"I know."

I stood there for a while in silence just looking at him.

"You have a chance. But I need you to give me time."

"I gave you six years of my life Bellamy. I had your son while I waited for you to come back. You were going to purpose to me." His head snapped up and he took a step closer.

"What." I sighed.
"My father told me Bellamy. I would have said yes. And I still would say yes. But you don't want me anymore."

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