Chapter 23: Gun shot

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"Queen heda." I stopped walking to see Ivan run to me with my bag of clothes and Eli with his belongings.

"Take the prince and go." I nodded grabbing Eli's hand.

"No. No. Please." I head Clarke beg from around the corner. When I got to them I stopped and pushed my son behind me.

"Put the gun down Jorum." Madi had woken up.

"Yu laik Jorum kom sangedakru. Lumfa kom lizbeth kom sangedakru. You served with honor in the royal guard of Lexa kom trikru. You believed in her now believe in me."
(You are jorum of sangedakru. Son of lizbeth from sangedakru.)

I watched as he dropped to his knees and and whispered.

I watched with revulsion as Clarke shot him in the head.

"Get in." She told us. I nodded and walked into the back of the rover. A few large boxes sat in the back but I though nothing of it since they were covered with a blanket.

My son still in his fur and sash while I still wore my black dress and crown with my swords. I opened the bag Ivan brought me as Clarke started the rover. My crowns and grounder clothes with one dress were in it. Thank god for Ivan.


We kept driving even after the sun went down. Madi and eli eventually fell asleep. I watched as Clarke stopped the river and nodded to me. She began leaning over to her daughter.

She was going to take out the flame in her sleep.

Then just as Clarke was about to do it Madi woke up.

"Were you about to-? No." She jumped out of the rover followed by me and Clarke.

"Get away from me. I'm going back." I heard her shout as Clarke chased her up a sand dune.

"Oh no your not. Its 50 miles back to Polis. Now get down from there." They rolled down the hill as Clarke grabbed her.

"No. Let go of me." I heard Madi say.

Suddenly Clarke pushed Madi to the ground.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"I said no."
"That thing is not staying in you head."

"Yes it is. And if you want to take it your gonna have to kill me. The only way other than that is to give it to Serafina. She's the rightful commander. The other commanders even told me that." I looked at her confused.

Suddenly Madi began to struggle as Clarke dragged her to the back of the rover and opened the back door.

Madi had accidentally pulled the blanket off of the boxes causing me to freeze. My eyes going from the boxes of worms to my sleeping son.

"Clarke get rid of them!" I yelled at her. She nodded and told her daughter to get in the rover.

I watched as she dumped the boxes away from the rover and we both got in. Once settled in my seat I kissed my son on the head. They had been right next to him.


We had been driving for hours and I had refused to sleep. Madi fell asleep next to my son in the back though. He had overed her his fur so she could lay on the ground with him and sleep. That's my boy with manners.

When out of no where my son jumped up and I heard Madi screaming.

"Madi?" Clarke slammed on the brakes and I climbed from the front passenger seat to the back with Clarke moving my son over so she could reach a screaming madi.

She kept screaming and screaming until finally she woke up.

"What was that?" My son asked us.

"They burned her alive." I looked at her scared.


"Bekka pramheda. I-I felt her. I was her." 

I shook my head at madi who looked at me for guidance.
"That wasn't a dream little one. That was a memory. The commanders must be showing you the past as wisdom for the future."

Eventually madi feel back asleep and Clarke found us a nice little cave to back the rover into to hide it.

"You were crying in your sleep." Clarke said. I looked over and saw Madi up and awake. I motioned for my son to put his sash and fur back on.

While I got my son ready and found him some rations that Ivan had put in the bag I turned back to Clarke. I was now in my black and brown short sparring outfit and crown.

 I was now in my black and brown short sparring outfit and crown

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"So what the plan."

"The plan is to stop the war." I tilted my head.

"Yes but the details." She shook her head.

"We tell each side the weaknesses and what the other knows. It's our best hope. Let's go find diyoza."

I nodded and we started walking through the forest. The girls seemed to know where we were going so we followed them.

We stopped quickly behind some trees after hearing a gunshot.

We watched as the man from the bunker that was with Diyoza was killing our defectors. Madi went to stand along with me but Clarke grabbed my arm.

"Those are our people Clarke." She pulled us down again when madi stepped on a branch.

"Your mothers a defector too." Madi reminded Clarke.

We waited till one of the men were left and he finished throwing the bodies into the whole. Clarke and I snuck up on him with Eli and Madi.
Clarke held a gun to his head and clicked off the safety.

"Shhh. Where is diyoza?" She asked him.

"We don't know. MCcreary is in charge now. I can take you to him." Must be the man from the bunker. Madi walked around us and looked into the pit with the bodies.

"Madi get behind me darling." I said to her. She turned to me and shook her head drawing her sword. Oh? I got it. Just drein jus daun.

"And the doctor where is she?" Clarke asked.

"Uh. Gas station please. Don't shoot me. I can take you-" He was cut off by the slicing of his own throat. I smirked and nodded at madi. The grounder way...affective.

As he choked on his own blood Madi looked at Clarke.

"They'd have heard the gunshot."

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