Chapter 14: War

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"Okay, so how do we do this?" Bellamy asked Diyoza.

"Two at a time." She turned to face our people.

"Why don't you people get your things  and we'll get going as soon as we're ready topside?" Nobody moved which caused everyone to look to Octavia and I.

I smirked. She has no idea who she is dealing with.

"Your call Queen Heda." Octavia said nodding.

I looked to the people and nodded reluctantly. 

Diyoza and Bellamy game me a scared look.

"Exactly how many people should we be prepping for extraction queen heda." I ignored the way the man said my title and looked to Octavia.

"1,200" Bellamy said but I shook my head.

"815" Octavia and I said in sync.

"Copy that." Diyoza turned to whatever was in her ear.
"The number of people we will be saving today is 815. You got that shaw? How's it coming up there?"

Someone brought me a bag of clothes with all of my crowns in it. I was thankful. I even went to change before we got ready to leave.

It was a while until Octavia went up first but then Gaia brought Marcellus to me

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It was a while until Octavia went up first but then Gaia brought Marcellus to me.

Not saying anything to Bellamy, I grabbed Eli's bag and put it on my back with mine while
The man Diyoza brought with her hooked up me and Eli.

"Kom falau oso na gyon op." Gaia said to the arena as we were pulled up out of the arena.

"Kom falau oso na gyon op." The people would respond. Again and again the was repeated until I reached the top. (From the ashes we will rise.)

I stood to the side as I knew Ivan, Devan, and the twins would be right behind us.

"What do we mom?" I looked down at Eli.

"We wait for your uncles and then we go find your aunty tavia. The sheida Gaia will watch over you when I'm not around okay?" He nodded cutely.

When the boys got up I looked aroud for Octavia who wasnt far away. She stood with me as no other guards had came up yet.

"What are we going to do sister?" I shook my head. She had taken to calling me sister and I had done the same.

"I don't know. We protect our own the best we can for now."

"Are you going to tell him?" I sighed.

"Of course. I just need to wait till the right time."

Suddenly I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

"The deal was no weapons." Of course.

"No our deal." Octavia told him.

"I need to talk to you too in private. Give me a second then follow me." That had to have pissed her off. Her brother giving her orders. I could see it on her face.

The New Queen(3)-Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now