The Last Case: Part 2

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"You think I know about this man?" Mycroft blinked, looking over the three of you. You crossed your arms, you weren't messing around with Mycroft acting clueless like he couldn't do anything to help. This case had now become personal, and that meant you were getting the information you needed. No matter what it took.

"Mycroft. A man broke into our flat last night. Our kids were in the house. He could've killed one of us. He was looking for this man. What do you know." You tapped the photo of Shawn/Charles on Mycroft's desk, giving him a death glare. Mycroft looked up at you, before looking back at Sherlock. He cleared his throat, turning to his laptop.

"I'll run a search." He spoke softly as he typed on the keys.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." You spoke, letting out a breath to calm yourself down. You were just so angry that this had even happened! It never should have, and the fact that Mycroft wasn't taking it seriously at first just pissed you off. Mycroft didn't respond but kept his eyes on the screen.

"Don't look up Shawn, look up Charles Bowen." Sherlock told him from where he stood, leaning against the wall. Mycroft nodded, continuing to type.

"We believe he's in Witness Protection and whoever he was being hidden from, came to kill him. We need to match Charles' prints to Shawn's in Bart's system. There's a big possibility the body wasn't actually him, but someone wanted to convince someone else it was. If we still had the body, I'm confident the print's wouldn't match in the system, because he's not actually dead." You told Mycroft as you paced his office in thought. This case was becoming rather exciting as time went on. It was so complex...

"Wait, so you're saying that Shawn is actually Charles and someone used a body to fake Shawn's... Charles' death so whoever found out Shawn was actually Charles would think he died?" John questioned, looking back and forth between you and Sherlock. That sentence was a mouthful, but you understood what John was saying.

"You've caught up!" You told him, clapping him on the shoulder. He shot you a look and you gave him an innocent grin. You took a step back to turn and look at Sherlock. You saw a small smirk appear on his lips before he looked away, pretending to mind his own business.

"Charles Bowen was put in Witness Protection three months ago where his identity was changed. He became Shawn Sullivan. They moved him from Manchester all the way to London. He said his wife was murdered by Alex Brett, but they didn't have enough evidence to convict him. All they could get him on was aggravated assault. Charles presented the case and had enough evidence to convince the court his life would be in extreme danger after Alex was released. That's why they put him under a month before Alex was released." Mycroft read from his computer. Your eyes lit up at that. Obviously Alex was the one that was after him, but why had they taken the body if Alex didn't know Charles was dead? There were still things that didn't make sense.

"What about Alex's son. What does it say?" You quickly asked, deep in thought. There was so much that didn't make sense, it was deeply bothering you not being able to keep up with all the information being thrown at you.

"Nothing other than he died six months ago following a car accident." Mycroft told you after looking over on more information on Alex's file. You hummed in thought, there had to be more than just a car accident for Alex to blame his death on Charles. You assumed he also blamed the wife considering he most likely killed her.

"Charles' new neighbor said a man would show up to check in on Charles every few weeks. Was there someone assigned to do so?" Sherlock questioned, pushing off the wall to stand by your side.

Mycroft studied the file a bit longer before he looked up at the two of you. "Yes. Agent Jim Cole." Mycroft nodded. "This is sensitive information that I shouldn't be sharing so-"

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