The Six Thatchers: Chapter 8

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On the way to get a cab, you still weren't feeling so hot. You couldn't tell if it was another pregnancy symptom, or if the drugs were still wearing off. Sherlock seemed to be fine now after walking a bit and getting some fresh air. When you still felt queasy by the time a cab pulled up to the curb, you were slightly worried.

"Hey, Sherlock?" You questioned, sliding in the cab next to him. He looked up at you and could instantly tell something was off. "I think I need to go back to the flat, I don't feel so great." You admitted. You wanted to go with him to see Mycroft to find out as much as you could about AGRA, but you needed to listen to your body this time when it told you that you needed rest.

"221B Baker Street." Sherlock told the cabbie, before he closed the door behind the both of you. He looked over you, nodding to tell you he understood. He took your hand, squeezing it in his.

"Rest up, I have a feeling we have a long day coming tomorrow." He sighed, looking out the window as his mind surely was racing in every which direction.

"I have a feeling it'll be a long week." You held a hand to your stomach, breathing slowly to try to feel a little less nauseous. You were sure it was just the effects of the drug still wearing off. You had to admit, it was really not cool of Mary to do that. All you wanted to do was help and she pushed you away. You figured that might happen.

When you arrived at 221B, you immediately took a shower before dressing for bed. You felt much better once you took the time to lie down and actually get some rest after the constant motion you'd been in the past few months. It had been hectic, but you loved every single moment of it. You knew it was more than your pregnant body could handle, but as long as you frequently gave yourself some rest, you'd be fine.

You were sound asleep by the time Sherlock got home and you awoke briefly as you felt him dip into the bed beside you. You yawned as you turned over to look at him as he pulled the sheets up to his chin. He turned towards you as well and you could see how physically tired and worn out he looked, but his determination overpowered that. Sherlock wasn't breaking his vow, he would save Mary even if it killed him. That scared you.

"Did Mycroft know anything?" You asked sleepily. You pressed your face into the pillow, letting your eyes fall closed as you listened to Sherlock talk. His voice was deep and soothing to your tired mind.

"Some, but he stopped hiring freelancers after their mission went wrong. He'll keep us updated." He told you.

"Good, that's good." You nodded, your eyes still closed as you let out another yawn. "Tracking Mary?" You questioned.

"Yes, but she'll bounce around before finding a permanent spot. It could be awhile before we go after her." You nodded, knowing that Mary was expertly trained, she would go from place to place in attempts for anyone to lose her trail. Good thing you had a GPS on her. It could be anywhere from a day to a week before she found a spot to stay.

"Mmm..." You hummed as you squirmed deeper into the bed's sheets.

"You feeling better?" Sherlock stated more than asked as he watched you try to find a more comfortable position to sleep in.

"Yes, sleep cures all wounds." You told him, not really paying attention to what you were saying as you found a comfortable position and burrowed into it. You felt warm, happy, and unbothered.

"Well, that's not necessarily true-"

"Shut up and sleep." You reached behind you, grabbing an extra pillow as you shoved it into Sherlock's chest. He let out a quick exhale of air as you slapped him with the pillow. You were too tired to even laugh.

"Fine." He told you, becoming silent. You quickly drifted back to sleep, not planning on waking up anytime soon.


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