The Empty Hearse: Chapter 3

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"Are you sure about this, Sherlock?" The restaurant Mycroft had directed you to was a lavish one. One that people wouldn't occupy alone, especially a man like John. He could be on a date! Who were you kidding? He was most definitely on a date and by the looks of the place, he was serious about whomever he was on a date with. You and Sherlock were going to crash his party and who knew how he'd react? Well, you had a good idea how he'd react.

"Of course, he'll be enthused that we're here." Sherlock spoke as he marched towards the doors. You bit your lip, deciding it would be the best if Sherlock just played this one out. There was no convincing him otherwise.

Upon your arrival at the door, two men in uniforms opened the doors for you with a smile. Immediately, someone else came to take yours and Sherlock's coats, carrying them away. This place was extremely fancy, and far out of your comfort zone. A man greeted you and Sherlock at the door, a smile on his face.

"May I help you?" He questioned. You looked up to Sherlock to see him scanning the dining area.

"Your wife just texted you, possibly her contractions have started." Sherlock looked to the man, knowing that would immediately get rid of him. The man swiftly pulled out his phone to look at it, and walked out of the restaurant as he gazed down at the message his wife must've sent him.

You felt Sherlock pause next to you and you stopped, seeing what he was looking at- who rather. John sat alone at a table, pulling out a wine menu as he began scanning it. Across from him another place was sat, but his date must be in the bathroom because the seat was empty but the glass was recently used.

"Excuse me." A waitress passed you and Sherlock quickly with a menu in her hands as you saw Sherlock's eyes follow her, focused on her bowtie, which was obviously part of her uniform.

"No, Sherlock." You scolded him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. His 'I should listen to Y/n' mode was apparently shut off as he walked on to another table, dumping a glass of water on a guest's shirt and bowtie. You sighed, standing back to watch him. There was no way you were getting yourself involved in this one. Sherlock quickly held a towel to the man's chest as he smoothly removed the bowtie, gliding away.

You chuckled, shaking your head at him as he pulled the bowtie on in a quick motion. He was stupid, but entertaining all the same. He then walked to another table, spying glasses laid down on a man's menu. He scooped up the menu, along with the glasses. You leaned against a post at the front of the dining room, watching as he again made his way to another table. He leaned over a female's shoulder, switching her menus out as he picked up what appeared to be eyeliner. He turned away from you for a moment, but when he turned back you saw he'd drawn a very uneven mustache on his face.

Oh lord... You shook your head at him as he approached John, leaning over his shoulder. John conversed with him for a moment, not even looking up at Sherlock as he spoke. John casually passed him the menu and Sherlock rolled his eyes as he walked away towards the kitchens in obvious disappointment John hadn't recognized his voice, or even him.

You watched him go, looking back to John to see he had pulled a small box from his jacket pocket and he was looking down at it, nervously. Your eyes widened as you looked at it. John was going to propose! You watched as his date, a blonde woman with short curly hair sat across him and he scrambled to hide the box. John looked at her with a sideways smile that radiated happiness as he began talking to her. You had to find Sherlock to stop him before he ruined John's proposal, John would be infuriated! He'd probably end up killing one of you.

You hurried back towards the kitchens, glancing around as you searched for Sherlock.

"Ma'am, may I help you?" A man in the worker's uniforms asked as he smiled kindly at you.

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