The Blind Banker: Chapter 19

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"I sent a couple of cars. The old hall is totally deserted." Detective Dimmock stated as he marched towards his desk. Sherlock was close on his heels, you right behind him and John and Sara trailing behind you.

"Look... We saw the mark at the theatre. The tattoo we saw on the bodies. The mark of the Tong." You explained to Dimmock, as he went around his desk, turning to look at you, Sherlock, John, and Sara standing around his desk.

Your head had been bandaged up by a couple of paramedics, but still hurt like hell. Classic you had refused to go to the hospital, this case needed solved.

"They were part of a smuggling operation. One of them stole something when they were in China. Something valuable." John explained firmly, but softly. He definitely took a more respectful approach. You were tired of Dimmock's crap at this point. You'd been beaten up twice, and weren't going to have his crap again.

"These circus performers... they were gang members, sent here to get it back." Sherlock explained almost harshly. If Dimmock would've only listened to you before then none of this would've happened.

"Get what back?" Dimmock asked, awaiting all the information that would win him this case. That's all these detectives were worried about these days. Being the best of the best. You and Sherlock both cringed at this, you didn't know this yet. It was the one bit of information you needed.

"We don't know." John admitted. Dimmock made a face before looking over the four of you.

"You don't know?" He asked anger in the pit of his voice. He sighed stressfully, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"I've done everything the two of you have asked," Dimmock started on a rant, gesturing to you and Sherlock. "Lestrade, he seems to think your advice is worth something... I gave the order for a raid. Please tell me I'll have something to show for it. Other than a massive bill for overtime." He finished angrily, his face flushed red. You made eye contact with Sherlock, his jaw was clenched as the both of you said nothing. You couldn't say anything.

The four of you made it back to 221B, more stressed than ever. Well, at least you were. You wanted so badly to prove little ole' Detective Dimmock wrong. You and Sherlock were right on this one, you knew it. Neither of you were ever wrong about something of this scale. You all glumly made it up the flat's stairs, before John sighed.

"They'll be back in China by tomorrow." Sherlock stated as he pulled off his scarf and coat. You went straight to the kitchen, with a full intention of icing your head. With your luck, you probably had a concussion.

"They won't leave. Not without finding what they came for. We need to find a hideout. A rendezvous." Sherlock told John as he paced to look over the symbols. You succeed in gathering your ice and plopped it on your head with a sigh of relief. You then took a seat closest to Sherlock, watching as he looked over the symbols.

"Y/n, how's your head?" John questioned looking worriedly at you.

"Just fine, Doc." You presented a fake grin, wincing as you put too much pressure on your head.

"Maybe you should stay here for the night... If you're concussed... Especially with your past medical history... " John looked warily at you. You didn't blame him for being worried, you looked like hell. Not only was your head messed up, but the guy had managed to get a decent chunk of hair from your scalp, so your hair was frizzy and held a patch of dried blood.

"Don't worry about me John, I have a case to solve. Plus, I have a thick skull." You told him, looking back over to Sherlock.

"Somewhere in this message... it must tell us." Sherlock whispered, his fingers grazing softly over the pictures. You closed your eyes, leaning back as you tried to think. It was hard considering the pounding in your head.

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