The Sign of Three: Chapter 3

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Everyone began applauding for Sherlock as he stood at the front of the room at a table where he was sitting with Janine, John, Mary, and some of the other wedding party. Sherlock buttoned his jacket as he scanned the crowd which was now silently waiting for him to begin his speech. You gave him a small thumbs up as his eyes landed on you. You could tell his mind had gone blank, he'd forgotten what he was going to say already. He'd be fine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends... and... um... others." He paused as he blinked blankly out at the crowd. You encouraged him silently. He'd practiced this over and over, he'd refused to let you listen to it so it'd be a surprise, but you knew he had it stored somewhere in his brain. You just had to kickstart it. "Er... w..." You felt Molly shift nervously next to you and you looked back at the table to see practically everyone looked nervous for Sherlock as he stood there stuttering. "A-a-also..." You didn't expect Sherlock to become this nervous in front of the small crowd, you'd thought he'd do just fine. Turns out, Molly had been right when she'd brought it up to you a couple weeks ago.

"Hey, I know you're busy, but I was thinking about something." Molly spoke as she leaned into the doorway of your new office. You looked up at her from the phone you were currently on with your mother. She had called because she hadn't heard from you in awhile and she just started to bring up getting together for dinner when Molly had perfectly interrupted. "Sorry, you're on a call, I can..."

"Nope! Nothing important. Mom, duty calls. Gotta go." You slammed down the phone as relief filled your body. You'd just gotten out of yet another awkward dinner party with your family. She'd wanted Sherlock to come along and that would just be a nightmare. You planned on not letting them meet for as long as you possibly could. "What's up?" You turned to Molly who looked at the phone then to you before continuing.

"Well, it was just a thought... but what if John asks Sherlock to be his best man?" She said.

"He's going to." You nodded, knowing that for a fact John planned on asking Sherlock to be his best man. "What about it?" You rummaged through some files as you continued to listen to her.

"If Sherlock is the best man, he'll have to write a speech. In front of people." You turned towards her in thought. You'd never seen Sherlock make an official speech, much less in front of a crowd. He always seemed to do fine when talking to the press about cases. You thought he'd be fine.

"I'm not worried about it." You looked up to her and she looked at you as if you didn't understand what she was trying to say.

"I'm not sure you get what I'm saying, Y/n. Sherlock... will give a speech, live, in front of John and Mary's other friends..." You nodded boredly as you moved your hand in a circular motion to tell her to get to the point. "And he'll have to read the telegrams..." She trailed off as if noticing your bored expression.

"Molly, don't worry about Sherlock. He'll be fine. The speech will be fine." You assured her, standing to place a hand on her shoulder before you walked past her, ready to get the rest of the work for the day over with.

"Telegrams." John spoke to Sherlock who seemed to jolt from his blankness as he nodded, feeling his pockets for the telegrams. He then realized they were on the table in front of him and he grabbed the stack.

"Right, um..." Sherlock cleared his throat as he again looked over to you and you nodded at him with a small smile. He closed his eyes briefly before taking a breath. "First things first. Telegrams. Well, they're not actually telegrams. We just call them telegrams. I don't know why. Wedding tradition." He began stammering, finally raising the first card up so it could read it. "... because we don't have enough of that already, apparently." He looked down at the first card, reading it off. "'To Mr and Mrs Watson. So sorry I'm unable to be with you on your special day. Good luck and best wishes, Mike Stamford.'" You glanced over to Molly and she still looked nervous as she watched Sherlock.

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