A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 11

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An uneventful week passed as New Years came and went and you were so happy to start a new year, a fresh start. Ever since the Moriarty situation you found yourself to be much more jumpy and on the edge than you were after the first time, but you were ready to put it all behind you. All the repressed emotions that had been bubbling up, even from your childhood. You wanted to erase it from your mind... at least attempt to.

It was now a couple months past the new year and you hadn't been making any progress on forgetting. The only thing you'd actually accomplished was healing your wound into a scar, which wasn't that impressive; you'd already done it once. So, you'd finally done the last thing you'd ever expected yourself to do. You went to Sherlock for help.

You'd just woken up from yet another horrific nightmare, one containing none other than Moriarty. Your dreams had begun to merge nightmares together, putting everything that would've bothered you as a child all together into one dream.

The most common one was your ex boyfriend beating you around, saying all those foul things he'd say to try to make you feel worthless. They hadn't worked back then, but now... Usually, though, instead of seeing your ex, it'd be Moriarty instead. You'd had so many different dreams where you'd been beaten and stabbed and mentally abused, at this point you were sure there was nothing that your dreams hadn't shown you.

This time, Moriarty was standing over you after you'd fallen into a heap on the floor, not being able to take another blow. He's grin widened as he flashed a gun that was held in his hand. You whimpered, unable to move as he pressed the gun to your chest, running his fingers through your hair. Then, he pulled the trigger.

You shot awake, your breathing fast and your pulse racing. You even had beads of sweat coating the surface of your body. You sighed in relief, realizing it was a dream as you relaxed into your mattress, hand grazing over your chest, just to check. When it came back blood free, you knew you were panicked for nothing, but that didn't stop the sinking feeling that put you on edge. You wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

You grabbed onto your clock, holding it towards your face to display the time. 3:30 in the morning, fantastic. You sat up, letting your feet dangle over the bed as you carefully studied your dark room. Maybe Sherlock would be up, you thought. You shook your head in disapproval and you threw yourself back onto the bed, closing your eyes. Images from your dream flashed across your eyelids and you sat up quickly, your pulse once again racing. Not happening. You threw on your dressing gown and slippers heading up to 221B, without really thinking about it.

You quietly pushed open the door, not wanting to disturb John, but you knew Sherlock would most likely still be awake. The living room sat dark and empty and you frowned, not feeling safe in the dark. You turned to make your way down the hall to Sherlock's room, but you stopped.

What am I doing? You thought. This was a bad idea, you couldn't tell Sherlock about all this. He'd only make matters worse by worrying about you all the time. You didn't want anyone's pity, you didn't want anyone to feel like you couldn't take care of yourself, because you could. You'd just need to suppress it, try not to think about it. Then, if you did that, you were sure all of it would come to an end.

Once you decided this, you turned on your heel, making your way back towards the door so you could go back to your flat. Before you were even able to walk out the door, a hand latched around your wrist..

You gasped in surprise, holding back a scream as you looked over your shoulder. It was Sherlock. You took a breath of relief. He looked tired, his hair messy. His curls stuck up in multiple directions, showing he'd probably tried to get sleep as well and failed. His face looked thinned and bags were held under his sharp eyes. He looked over you, too tired to even give you his classic blank look.

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