The Blind Banker: Chapter 17

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The entire way back to 221B, thoughts were jumbling around in your head. What did Molly mean Sherlock talked about you? In what way did he speak of you? He thought you were brilliant and he told other people about you? He missed you when you weren't around to help with cases?

You scolded yourself for thinking about it too much and pushed the thoughts away. You hoped these dumb emotions would go away and soon, they were beginning to tire you and made you lose focus. You desperately wanted to get a control on them. The more you thought over everything you did or said based on your little emotion flares, the worse you felt. You needed to get your mind off of it and soon.

As you climbed the steps into 221B: you felt confused and flustered. You walked through Sherlock's door, your mind blank. You pulled off your coat throwing it onto a table as you sunk into Sherlock's chair.

"Y/n! Perfect timing, look what me and John figured out." Sherlock announced looking over to you. When he saw your absent look he narrowed his eyes at you. "Y/n?" He asked, staring you down. You shook your head looking up at him.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" You asked a small, absent smile on your face. Sherlock stared at you a moment before he continued to tell you about how he and John had figured out that antiques were being stolen back in China then were being fed into Britain through people like Lukis and Van Coon. They also found out that Zhi Zhu had gone to Soo Lin because of her expertise with the antiques. And finally they had concluded that either Lukis or Van Coon had stolen something from one of their deliveries and that's why they died. As Sherlock was finishing his explanation, Mrs. Hudson popped in the room slightly knocking on the door.

"Whoo hoo." She said she knocked, a smile on her face. "Sorry. Are we collecting for charity, Sherlock?" She asked.

"What?" Sherlock asked, looking a bit confused. You gazed at her, suspecting what it might be.

"A young man's outside with crates of books." She explained. You jumped up excitedly, clapping your hands together. Just what you had thought!

"Oh, perfect! I didn't think he'd be so quick!" You were ready to solve this case, hopefully this would be the key that led you there. Sherlock, John, and Mrs. Hudson looked at you confused.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't tell you, I ordered for Van Coon and Lukis' books to all be delivered here." Sherlock's eyes lit up as you said that and he jumped up from his seat.

"Brilliant." He complimented and you blushed slightly, waving it off. So he did think you were brilliant, you'd have to bring that up to him later.

"I know. But now I'm just a step closer to beating you. Think I forgot about our little competition?" You gazed at Sherlock before you ran down to the door to greet the crew and tell them to carry up the books.

As the officers carried the crates up to the flat Sherlock explained to John what the three of you needed to do with the mounds of books.

"So the numbers are references." Sherlock stated, watching as two officers stacked a crate on top of another in the middle of the living area.

"To books." John sighed looking around at all the books. This was going to take all night! You didn't mind, now there was something else to occupy your brain other than Sherlock and emotions.

"To specific pages and specific words on those pages." You explained, leaning back onto Sherlock's desk as you watched more crates being brought in.

"Right... so, 15 and 1, that means...?" John trailed off, looking from you to Sherlock.

"Turn to page 15 and it's the first word you read." Sherlock told him and he nodded.

"So what's the message?" He again asked.

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