The Sign of Three: Chapter 2

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(Sorry about the short chapter and not updating yesterday, I'm planning on trying to make the next few chapters really long, so we'll see how that goes! Also I was oddly out of it the past two days, who knows why. Anyway, I'm fine now, just disappointed I didn't get another chapter out for you guys. Onto more important things! The picture above is the brownies my friend made for you guys. She's pretty cool or whatever. Now, enjoy this chapter!!!)


John and Mary's wedding ceremony was, you believed, everything they had hoped it would be. It was like any other wedding you'd attended. A group of people gathered in a slightly hot chapel watching the bringing together of two different people's lives. Even though you didn't understand why someone would put so much effort and money in something that only lasted approximately ten minutes, you could still appreciate the symbolism behind it. John and Mary both looked so happy, and they both deserved that.

You smiled at Sherlock as he walked out with the wedding party, the Maid of Honor's arm threaded through his. She did seem like a sweet person, there wasn't any dirt you could dig off of her from deductions, but you couldn't help but hate her. Watching her smiling like it was the best day of her life as she walked past you with Sherlock's arm around hers just pissed you off. Grinded your gears, you could say. You filed out of the church with everyone else as a photographer came up, snapping photos of the wedding party.

You stood to the side with Molly and Tom, watching them all get their pictures taken. You could see Sherlock talking to the maid of honor, which you'd found out her name was Janine. She was pressed into his side, looking up at him as she spoke. You narrowed your eyes at them.

"Y/n, you okay?" Molly asked you softly. You chuckled as you snapped out of your daydream to ensure Molly you were in fact alright. You were perfect.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be." You paced away from them, getting a better view as you stopped slightly behind the photographer, watching. You saw Sherlock nodding towards a man and you followed his eyes looking over him. Single. Cat owner. Recently divorced. Doctor. Suffers from erectile dysfunction. Why was Sherlock pointing this man out?

You looked back up to see Janine smiling as she again threaded her arms through Sherlock's pulling him along as the photographer took more photos. You tried to ignore the heat that was rising to your cheeks as she giggled, pulling Sherlock even closer. Sherlock did look uncomfortable, but still. You should be the one standing next to him at the moment. Not her.

"Y/n!" Mary gestured to you to come into a photo and you shook your head, holding up your hands slightly as you smiled softly at her. Photos really weren't your thing. "Come on, don't make me drag you." She again gestured and you sighed, anything for Mary or John. You stepped into a photo with them, letting the photographer snap pictures.


Later, Janine had finally wandered off and you were greeting guests outside the reception venue along with John, Mary, and Sherlock. You recognized a lot of the guests as Sherlock had taken it under his responsibility to go over all the guests and make sure they were trustworthy. You'd had people in and out of the flat a lot the past week. You'd let Sherlock have his fun investigating and deducing all of them while you worked on other things, such as your new job at Barts. It felt good to be back, especially with Molly and Mark as your coworkers.

"David!" Mary exclaimed, reaching her arms out to hug an approaching man. He laughed awkwardly, avoiding the hug as he instead grabbed her hand to shake it. He was being shifty as he avoided eye contact.

"Congratulations, you look um... very nice." He nodded to which Mary gave him a confused look. You smiled knowingly up at Sherlock as you both played cool. David turned to John shaking his hand as well. "John, congratulations. You're a lucky man." Before he could turn away and escape into the venue Mary smiled, pointing to you and Sherlock.

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