A Study in Pink: Chapter 1

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Sherlock and John ducked out of their taxi, still talking as they both stood on the street side by side in front of, once again, a new crime scene. Sherlock turned, walking toward the bright yellow caution tape at a fast pace. John limped behind, struggling to keep up with Sherlock's purposeful pace. Sherlock continued to speak of his earlier deductions of John, turning slightly over his shoulder so the retired war vet could hear. Sherlock had gotten every detail of John's life to a t, except the fact he'd stated John had a brother. However, that wasn't the case. In fact, John actually had a sister. This clearly irritated the consulting detective.

"Sister!" Sherlock hissed shaking his head of dark, moppy curls as he continued toward the tape.

"No, seriously, what am I doing here?" John asked once more. He hadn't exactly understood why he'd been invited to the crime scene, but he'd come anyway.

"There's always something." Sherlock was in his own world as he shook his head over his mistake. He clearly wasn't paying attention to John's questions.

The pair finally made it to the tape, where they stopped. They were immediately greeted by Sally Donovan, who was leaning against the boot of a cruizer, patrolling the scene. Once she saw Sherlock, her gaze changed in annoyance. She took a heavy breath, pushing herself to a stand.

"Hello, freak number One." Donovan gave a fake, tight lipped smile. If there was anyone in the world she hated most, it was Sherlock.

Sherlock's face scrunched up in thought at her words. Freak number One? She'd never called him that before, it was always just 'freak'. That must mean there was now a freak number Two. He decided to ignore this comment for now. He was sure he'd figure out who this second person was soon.

"I'm here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade." Sherlock told her confidently, yet irked by having to deal with Sally. He took a scan of the building, seeing many police officers scouring the place, while others were walking around and chatting to one another. Most of them were either new, or lower class officers.

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows at him, crossing her arms over her chest. She was always quite stubborn, or maybe it was just because she disliked Sherlock so much. Sherlock looked back at her, his face showing no signs of emotion.

"I was invited." He conveyed. This fact should be obvious.

"Why?" Donovan asked again, very clearly showing her hatred towards Sherlock. "He already has someone else up there. Didn't think he'd need another one of you."

Sherlock decided to ignore the fact Donovan was speaking of this other person and comparing them to him. Surely they were freak number Two, but he couldn't be absolute. "Well, I think he wants me to take a look. I'm obviously better than any amature he might have called up." Sherlock said, raising his eyebrows, a sarcastic smirk on his face.

"Well, you know what I think don't you?" She smiled a rude, cruel smile.

"Always, Sally," She glared daggers at Sherlock as he ducked smoothly under the police tape next to her.

He stopped a moment, pretending to think before he spoke again, turning to look Donovan in the eyes. "I even know you didn't make it home last night." He smiled slightly, he loved to use his ability to deduce people against them, especially for people like Sally. John started to step towards the police tape before Sally quickly put her hand up, stopping him.

"I don't... Er, who's this?" Donovan quickly asked, changing the subject. She was visibly flustered. Sherlock had been right about his deductions, as usual.

"Colleague of mine, Doctor Watson. Doctor Watson, Sergeant Sally Donovan. Old friend." Sherlock introduced John to Donovan. John scanned her, nodding.

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