The Reichenbach Fall: Chapter 10

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As the three of you ran, it was immediately clear this was going to be no easy task. Your arms all jerked at each other from being handcuffed together, slowing you all down.

"Take each other's hands, now!" Sherlock yelled, out of breath as the three of you continued to sprint down the alleyway. Now you could hear sirens starting up in the background and you quickened your pace, latching on to John's hand.

"People might definitely talk about this, eh John?" You grinned as you ran, as John was forced to grab a hold of Sherlock's hand.

"Shut up." John said through ragged breaths.

Up ahead you saw large metal railings blocking off the alleyway. That was going to be a challenge.

As you ran, Sherlock's gun clattered to the ground and John hesitated just a moment to glance at it. "The gun!" He shouted. Sherlock and you both continued to run and he was forced to continue.

"Leave it!" Sherlock yelled as he looked up at the fence. Without any hesitation, Sherlock leaped onto a garbage bin and over the railing. This caused John to go face first into the bars and you crashed into him, nearly going into the railing yourself. Luckily John cushioned your blow, but this caused his face to press further into the bars. He grunted as he pulled back, shaking his head.

"Sherlock, wait!" You yelled as he jumped down the other side, ready to take off again. He turned looking back at the two of you, wondering what the problem was. "We're all handcuffed together." You stared at him through the bars with squinted eyes in hopes he'd get the message. John reached through the bars to grab a hold of his coat and pull him closer.

"We're going to need to coordinate." John told him sternly, pulling his face back so it wasn't as close to hitting the bar again. He looked strained with his right arm high above his head and stuck over the gate. Sherlock glanced around him before looking up at their wrists handcuffed over the bar.

"Go to your right." Sherlock ordered, pulling at the handcuff.

"Huh?" John asked.

"Go to your right." Sherlock ordered again, pulling his wrist over the bar and to the right. They got close to the edge of the gate then John climbed onto a bin, jumping over the bars onto another garbage bin on the other side of the bars. He waited for you to pull your handcuffs to the right of the bar and jump up on the other bin before he jumped down and you vaulted over the bars. Once you were all over, you took off down the alley again at a fast pace. You got to a fork in the alley, with Sherlock in the lead when he quickly duked back around the corner after only emerging around it for a split second. You all stood there a moment, to catch your breath. You heard police sirens everywhere; this was going to be interesting.

"Everybody wants to believe it – that's what makes it so clever. You didn't help by admitting to the crime, Y/n." Sherlock looked sternly at you and you gave him a faltering grin.

"We'll get out of it, I have my connections." You told him, looking past John at Sherlock.

"That doesn't mean you should've done it." He fought back with deep breaths.

"I wasn't leaving you alone! You know that!" You raised your voice, becoming quiet as you glanced around the area to make sure no one was nearby.

"Guys, now is really not the time for this." John told the two of you, you looked to him knowing he was right. But Sherlock had to understand you weren't going to just stand back and watch Moriarty ruin his life, you weren't allowed to stay out of it because it was your business if Sherlock got hurt and you had to stop that from happening. He wouldn't be able to undo your confession now.

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