The Blind Banker: Chapter 16

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The three of you soon found yourself, once again, back at Detective Dimmock's desk, with a very angry John. Dimmock was bent over the front of his desk, looking unamused as he sorted through piles of papers. He obviously didn't want to listen to what the three of you had to say.

You and Sherlock stood quietly, hands in your pockets, while John grilled him. "How many more murders is it going to take before you start believing this manic's out there?" Dimmock turned, not seeming to find the paper he was looking for and started walking past the three of you. John sighed angrily, "A young woman was gunned down tonight. That's three victims in three days. You're supposed to be finding him." Dimmock picked something up from another desk before he returned to his, opening a file and sticking the paper in it. Like you'd said, he didn't want to listen to John's rants.

"Brian Lukis and Eddie Van Coon were working for a gang of international smugglers. A gang called the Black Lotus, operating here in London, right under your nose." Sherlock whispered harshly to Dimmock, getting close to his face. Dimmock finally seemed intrigued by this and stopped what he was doing to look up at Sherlock. Finally, you had his attention.

"Can you prove that?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at the three of you.

"Of course we can, Detective Dimmock." You grinned, crossing your arms smugly at him. He was far too cocky and clearly wanted to be the best detective there was, it would be easy to reel him in after this.

While Dimmock started sorting through a few things he needed to get finished, you, Sherlock, and John stepped to the side to talk.

"I can take him from here, you and John should go and work more on finding out how this whole smuggling thing is working." You said crossing your arms at them, as you gazed back at Dimmock who was gathering his things on his desk.

"Are the bodies at your department?" Sherlock questioned, staring at you. You knew what he was getting at, but refused to let him try to win.

"No, they're at Bart's. I recognized some of the employees at Van Coon's." You stated looking directly back at Sherlock.

"Then you're going to need me to get a look at them." Sherlock told you, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you underestimating me, Sherlock Holmes?" You questioned, taking a step closer to him. This frustrated you in a way you disliked, Sherlock knew you were clever, why doubt your abilities now?

"Yeah, I am." He stated. You stared at each other for a long time before John interjected.

"Oi! Get a room you two, seriously." You looked over to him, a blush quickly rising on your cheeks. You stepped back from Sherlock, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Fine, you get us into Bart's then I take it from there, deal?" You questioned Sherlock and he nodded in agreement, shaking your outstretched hand. You were stubborn, but you knew Sherlock wasn't going to let you go to Barts alone, so you decided to give in.


You waited for Sherlock outside the cafeteria as he went to talk to a girl named Molly, who worked in the forensic lab. You watched through the doorway as he stepped a bit too close to her, smiling and gesturing towards her hair. She looked flustered and looked away, right when she did Sherlock's smile instantly disappeared. You rolled your eyes at him a bit bothered he was messing with this girls' emotions. That reminded you of your ex... You shook your head, not wanting to think about the past.

You felt yourself getting worked up as you watched Sherlock and you didn't care you were upset this time. It made you think about how your brain was pushing chemicals and you were experiencing emotions. It was really starting to make you angry Sherlock was doing this to that poor girl. You spent years enduring someone trying to get an emotional reaction out of you by manipulation, of course you couldn't care at the time, but Molly could and what Sherlock was doing wasn't okay. 

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