The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 11

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You arrived back to Dartmoor from Henry's and Sherlock parked the Jeep in its usual spot. You both decided to walk around town to finalize your plan going further with the case. There was a lot you still needed to figure out, so you'd discussed different ideas on the best way to narrow down your search. You'd come up with a few promising plans, if they didn't end up working, at least you could rule something out. Your main focus was the drug, that's what would blow this case open to reveal everything it was hiding.

As you were walking back towards the pub, you spotted John sitting in a small graveyard writing in his journal. You watched him for a moment, as he continued to write peacefully. You finally stopped, and when Sherlock realized you weren't behind him, he turned back to look at you. He followed your gaze, also seeing John. You looked back to Sherlock, gesturing him forward in John's direction.

"Go ahead, I'll meet you back at the pub." You told him, walking ahead. You made the short walk back to the pub a bit longer as you took a detour through gardens of growing vines and flowers. Your shoes crunched in the dirt, even though it was dry, the plants were glowing with life. An array of colors surrounded you as you walked, studying each different type of flower closely. You had to admit, they were beautiful. You admired the gardener's eye, who seemed to have carefully placed each plant in the perfect spot. You finally reached the pub, rounding the corner towards the front door. As you rounded the corner, you saw a familiar face occupying the doorway.

"Lestrade?" You approached him and he turned to look at you with a grin on his face. "What are you doing here?" You questioned, studying his dark complexion. He wasn't here on holiday, that was for sure. So how did he know you were here, and why? There was only one person that knew Lestrade that also knew the three of you were here, and he worried about Sherlock 'dearly'. You should've known.

"I'm here on holiday." He told you, you rolled your eyes at that.

"Oh, please. Spare me the lies. Mycroft sent you here to spy on Sherlock. He doesn't trust me anymore after Irene, does he?" He stopped what he was doing to look at you awhile. You couldn't see his eyes through the dark sunglasses he was wearing, but you were sure they looked surprised. You don't think he was ever going to get used to how easily you solved things such as this.

"How did you-?"

"Mycroft's the only person who'd send you all the way here after what happened." You explained simply. It was quite obvious, even someone of average intelligence could put that much together.

"Okay, but I'm not really supposed to let Sherlock know that." He told you. You let out a laugh at that, slapping the bar as you did so.

"Good luck keeping it from him, then. He'll figure it out as soon as you give your holiday story. So, take my advice and come up with another excuse." You clapped him on the shoulder, turning to head back to your room when you heard Sherlock's voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You spun on your foot to see him marching up to Lestrade with an angry look. You could already tell he knew something was up. John trailed behind him, surprised to see Lestrade all the way out here. Lestrade smiled at the two of them, tucking his hands casually into his pockets as he looked at Sherlock.

"Well, nice to see you too! I'm on holiday, would you believe." You mentally face palmed at Lestrade's words, you'd just told him not to tell Sherlock he was on holiday. Apparently he wasn't going to take that piece of advice. Sherlock was immediately going to catch his lie.

"No, I wouldn't." Sherlock told Lestrade, looking him over. He turned to you for an explanation and you just gave him a sly smile and a shrug that told him to figure it out himself. It was clear to you why Lestrade was here. After the Baskerville incident, Mycroft sent Lestrade here to babysit.

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