The Lying Detective: Chapter 2

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(Hey! Back with another chapter! Again, sorry I'm taking so long. I'm fine over here, just been unproductive and busy this past week, I guess. Anyway, it's here now so we're all good! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's not as long as I wanted, but hopefully I will finally get around to making the next few chapters as long as I want them to be! Wish me luck loves! Also, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of you who are commenting and reading and voting! You all mean so much to me. Also, I wanted to thank someone that means a lot to me here because they're super sweet and special and have just been nothing but kind to me. Plus, I feel like sharing all the love! You all mean SO much to me, but I feel like this particular person needs to hear it right now. 😂 I love you! Theastwind )


"Sherlock I know you're doing this for John, but for heaven's sake! How much did you take?!" You frowned as you looked down at some of Sherlock's results. They did not look good. At all. Clearly he'd been dosing up higher and higher through the weeks, no wonder he looked so exhausted yet held so much energy.

"Enough." He sighed, seeming to get antsy. He began tapping his fingers against his leg and you knew he was going to need another dose soon, as his one from earlier was wearing off and he couldn't just completely pop off the drugs after his last high, it'd probably kill him if he didn't dose again. You rolled your eyes at him, slapping down the papers you held in your hands. Sherlock looked up at you to see you were very clearly upset. He wasn't tapping his fingers anymore.

"This isn't a game, Sherlock! This is your life! Our lives. I know you want to help John, and I do too, but you cannot throw away the only good things you have by killing yourself overdosing! I tried so hard to understand and be supportive that this was the only way to convince John you needed help, but you've gone too far. You need to take a step way back, or else you might not have my support anymore. You barely do now." You told him angrily in the back of the ambulance. You took a deep breath, blinking rapidly to clear the tears welling up in your eyes before you cried. Didn't need to do that now. A crying pregnant woman was never a good look for the press that was surely about to bombard you. You were able to put together that much at least.

Sherlock looked at you, his face becoming darker and more tired looking- if that was possible. He frowned, his head dipping as you scowled at him with your arms crossed over your stomach. "I- I think I owe you an apology." He simply apologized, looking back up at you briefly. He sounded more confused than sincere, but you knew it was the drugs. You held your angry gaze, jaw tight.

"I know this sucks, but you aren't getting my pity this time, Sherlock. I may love you, but I'm pretty upset right now." He nodded, his head lowered once again. His hands sat lax in his lap and you studied him. For once in his life, Sherlock Holmes seemed to have no excuses. You narrowed your eyes at him before sighing, and running a hand through your hair.

"Look, Sherlock. All I'm asking is that you tone it way down. Okay?" You couldn't stay mad at him when he looked like he felt awful about the entire thing. You knew he didn't want to be doing this as much as you didn't want him to be, but he was high at the moment and frankly probably didn't care too much. That made you even more thankful he was being apologetic... Well as apologetic as high Sherlock could get, you supposed. That wasn't going to last long, you were sure.

"Right, so there's a few things I need to fill you in on." Sherlock quickly began to explain what he'd been up to the past couple weeks- when he wasn't shooting up drugs. He told you about Culverton Smith, which you did know about, mostly. You saw all the articles and newspapers everywhere about how Sherlock had publicly accused him of being a serial killer on Twitter. There was no escaping that. You didn't dig into it too much, so you were curious to know more.

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