The Blind Banker: Chapter 4

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You took a cab to work and hurriedly walked in. You weren't about to miss too much of what was happening back with Sherlock and John. Sherlock was already getting a head start in the competition! You weren't too worried, it wouldn't be hard for you to catch up, but you just wished you were there.

You sped walked to the forensics wing, swiping your ID card to enter your workspace. You spied Emma standing outside your office, glancing around the room. When she spotted you she hurried over, helping you pull on your lab coat, then shoving a case file into your arms. She knew you'd be in a hurry. The main reason she was the perfect assistant.

"They're in Examination Room 5, Doctor Y/L/N." She told you. You thanked her blankly before hurrying to Exam Room 5, while you finished buttoning up your lab coat.

When you reached the room, you pushed open the door. Two newly hired trainees stood over the body, looking over it. Emma hired new interns all the time and left it up to you to decide if we should fire them or hire them. This was one of these instances, obviously. You studied them as you sat down the case file to pull on a pair of gloves. Immediately, you could tell they had no idea what they were doing.

One of them, a short man with glasses far too large for his face, had just graduated from college; so, he probably had zero experience. The other, a good-looking man with a sweep of bright blonde hair and a jockey smile, seemed to not have even finished college. But once you saw his shoes and carefully ironed clothes, you realized he had rich parents that had paid his way through his schooling for him. The only reason he had passed was because of his family name.

"What have you got so far?" You questioned, picking up the case file to flip through it. It seemed to you that this was a murder of blind rage. It definitely wasn't planned going on the mess of it all.

The body had been found in an apartment, mutilated by multiple blows from a long, sharp weapon. The injuries were consistent with what might be some sort of sword, you thought. You flipped the page and saw you were indeed correct, a sword was confirmed as the murder weapon at the scene.

"Not much. We just started." Rich parent boy said. He looked at you, clueless. You sighed heavily, shaking your head. You were already having a bad day, and new trainees weren't going to be much help.

"Alright, what are your names?" You inquired with not that much interest as you scanned over the file again.

"I'm Eric." Rich parent boy answered with a cocky smile.

"Adam." The guy with glasses told you nervously, waving slightly.

"Alright. Open your eyes. Look at the body, what do you see?" You asked them, folding your hands over the file, holding it to your chest. The men stared at the body for a long time before they looked blankly at you.

"Someone who's been killed." Eric stated, shrugging. Adam looked at Eric nervously, not partaking in what Adam had said. You narrowed your eyes at Eric. Was he being serious? You weren't sure.

"Your parents should not have paid your way through University." You shook your head at him, before scanning over the body. He looked shocked at your words, and you were sure he was wondering how you had known that.

"I-I was being sarcastic. Sorry." He replied, looking horrified at you. Was it bad you didn't understand? You tilted your head at him, confused.

"Sarcasm has no place in my lab." You cleared your throat awkwardly as you stepped towards the body, "Well, look here." You pulled the victims long, blonde hair to the side, revealing harsh bruises on either side of her neck. "What does this tell you?" You asked, looking over the men.

"She was strangled to death." Eric shrugged. His parents really shouldn't have paid him through school. You again thought. "I'm not sure what we're supposed to be looking for." Eric spoke after you were staring at him for a considerable amount of time.

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