The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 12

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After finally convincing Mycroft to go along with you and Sherlock's plan (it was a good thing you were more convincing than Sherlock), you headed straight to Baskerville. You really hoped that your plan would work the way you believed it would. If not there wasn't really a plan B... at least not one as good as the one you were about to conduct. You were less worried about the outcome of the experiment, but were more excited to conduct it.

Once you pulled into the gates of Baskerville you were stopped once again, a man walking towards Sherlock's window as he rolled it down. "Afternoon, sir. If you could turn the engine off." He told Sherlock. Sherlock stalled the engine, handing over Mycroft's ID pass. The man took it, walking away as another approached with a dog to sniff the car.

"Y/n and I need to see Major Barrymore as soon as we get inside." Sherlock whispered to John, watching the men study the outside of the vehicle to make sure it was safe for it to enter.

"Right." John nodded. Not questioning why. He went along with whatever the two of you had to say, then asked questions later. You liked that about John.

"Which means you'll have to start the search for the hound." You told him, turning slightly back in your seat to give him a serious look. Of course, it was all just a part of your plan.

"Okay." John again agreed.

"In the labs; Stapleton's first." Sherlock instructed him, turning away as the security guard began approaching the car again with Mycroft's ID. He handed it over to Sherlock, then pointed him ahead as the gates slowly opened.

"Could be dangerous." Sherlock baited John in and John gave Sherlock a grin. That line always worked, even when John had barely known Sherlock. Sherlock started the Jeep back up and continued towards the base.

Once inside, you and Sherlock split up with John. You headed straight towards Major Barrymore's office to have a word with him. According to Mycroft, all you had to do was simply talk to Barrymore and convince him to let you have the base. If he didn't comply, you made it an order and he'd have no choice but to listen. After all, Mycroft was higher in the government than Major Barrymore. It took a bit of bending over backwards, but you finally got Barrymore to listen to you and Sherlock. Convincing him to take the base was going to be even harder, he was a stubborn man.

"Oh, you know I'd love to. I'd love to give you unlimited access to this place. Why not?!" Barrymore shook his head, of course he thought it was a ridiculous request. The man thought anything that had come out of yours or Sherlock's mouth was ridiculous.

"It's a simple enough request, Major." You spoke, folding your hands behind your back as you looked down at him in his spin-able office chair.

"I've never heard of anything so bizarre."

"You're to give us twenty-four hours. It's what we've... negotiated." Sherlock looked down at him, his face a blank slate. You copied Sherlock's motions, looking professional and orderly as you spoke to the Major.

"Not a second more. I may have to comply with this order but I don't have to like it." He told you both sternly as he turned back towards his computer that sat atop his desk. You nodded in a thank you as you turned to leave, Sherlock following you. Before you made it out the door, Barrymore spoke up again.

"I don't know what you expect to find here anyway."

"Perhaps the truth." You spoke softly, your hand resting on the doorframe as you gazed back at him. He turned back to face you both at that.

"About what? Oh, I see. The big coats should have told me." You glanced at Sherlock with an annoyed look. So what? You both wore trench coats, big deal. "You guys are one of the conspiracy lot, aren't you?" He grinned mockingly, looking back and forth at the two of you.

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