The Six Thatchers: Chapter 2

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Mary delivered a healthy baby girl that night. John couldn't be more overjoyed as he was by Mary's side practically the rest of the night. You'd gone back home with Sherlock to get some rest before you had another busy, but thrilling, day full of solving cases. Mary had wanted you to come back to visit in the morning as well, so you promised her you'd swing by early so you could still start working cases whenever Sherlock wanted. You were happy to have a filled schedule where you got to be with all the people you loved.

You practically collapsed into bed that night after getting changed and having a shower, you pulled the covers up to your chin letting out a loud yawn. You heard Sherlock typing next to you and you turned towards where he was sat up in bed, looking down at the phone. His face was illuminated slightly in the dark from the bright screen as he typed. You watched him for a while before he sensed your eyes on him.

"Twitter can wait for Sherlock Holmes tomorrow." You told him. If he didn't get enough sleep he'd be cranky in the morning and you didn't want to deal with that. He looked up from the screen to you and smiled slightly.

"One more." He replied, looking back towards the screen and typing as fast as he could. You leaned over and took his wrist lightly in your hand.

"And one more will become five and five becomes twenty, then it never ends. Does it? So, Twitter can wait for Sherlock Holmes tomorrow, while I get him right now." You told him. He sat his phone aside at that and you smiled. You hadn't gotten him to put the thing down the entire time you'd been at the hospital, so that was a big success in your books. You were sure he'd move on from the tweeting quickly though. It was one of the new things he'd picked up and you hoped he'd stop as soon as possible. Not that it bothered you he tweeted, he was just almost constantly on his phone now when you weren't working cases and it annoyed you a bit.

"Sorry." He told you as he leaned down into the bed so he was lying face to face with you. You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck as you looked at him. You took in his bright blue eyes studying you and you couldn't help but feel incredibly thankful for him. He was really the best. He leaned in to kiss you and you smiled, leaning into it. You pulled away slowly, before snuggling into his chest.

"Do you feel better?" Sherlock asked as you buried your head into his chest.

"Hmm?" You questioned, your eyes already fluttering closed as sleep slowly began to take over you. You were so tired.

"Earlier, in the car, you didn't feel well. Are you better?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and tucked his chin on the top of your head as he spoke. You let out a long yawn, nodding to him.

"Yeah, tons. I just felt really motion sick for a while, but it wore off." You told him sleepily. You felt him nod against your head as you told him this.

He was quiet for a while and you were practically asleep before he came up with another question. "Do you know why you felt sick? I mean, was there a reason?" You opened your eyes, pulling partially away from him. You drowsily to look up at him, wondering why he kept asking. You were sure he was just worried about you.

"No, just came over me. Happens to everyone, right? Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that John is not a very good driver." You smiled tiredly up at him, your arms hung loosely around his neck.

"Right, motion sickness. John never was a great driver." He looked down at you a moment before looking up towards the wall in thought, like he was calculating a difficult math equation. After a moment of his intense look, it disappeared as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Goodnight." You yawned again as your body was slowly calming down for the night. You needed some rest.

"Night." Sherlock kissed you softly and you smiled through the kiss as his hand rested against your cheek. He pulled away slowly, and you let your eyes flutter closed after snuggling deeper into the warmth of his chest.

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