The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 10

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Early the next morning, you were awoken by a knock on your door. You yawned, stretching the stiffness from your body. Your muscles felt extremely sore, but your hands did feel quite better being all wrapped up. You yawned, not wanting to get up when another knock came, this time more aggressive. You turned over in bed, covering your head with the duvet in attempts to block out the noise.

"Go. Away." You told the knocker. Satisfied when the knocks stopped, you snuggled back into the bed, half-way falling back asleep. You let out a yelp when you felt a hand latch onto your ankle, pulling you towards the edge of the bed. You quickly rolled over, getting caught in your sheets in the process, to see who your attacker was. You were met with stormy blue eyes inches from yours.

"Sherlock! You scared me half to death!" Carefully, you untangled yourself from the duvet you'd gotten trapped in during your struggle.

"Scared?" He pondered.

"That's just a phrase. You only startled me." You corrected yourself as you flopped back into the mattress, closing your eyes and letting your racing heart slow down. "What time is it anyway?"

"7:00, now get up. We have things to do." He attempted to pull the duvet from the bed, but you wrapped your legs around it, holding it in a death grip. You opened one eye to glare at him.

"What things?" You challenged, watching him through your one open eye. He scratched the back of his neck just staring down at you. You continued to look at him and when he didn't answer you adjusted back into the sheets, closing your eyes.

"Case things, just be ready in 5 minutes and meet me in the pub." He told you. You heard him walk away and you sighed as the door closed behind him. All you wanted to do was sleep in for once in your life, especially after your day yesterday. But a nagging feeling in your chest told you that you couldn't just ditch on Sherlock and not end up feeling bad for it. Stupid emotions, you grumbled as you stepped out of bed to get dressed.

You met Sherlock in the pub once you were ready. He looked very impatient and anxious. When he saw you, he jumped up ushering you towards the door.

"Sherlock, I haven't even had any tea..." You whined. He stopped, mumbling something about you being needy, sat you down in a chair, then ordered you tea just the way you liked it. He handed it to you, watching as you slowly drank it. He tapped his foot impatiently as he watched you.

"What's up with you?" You began to feel uncomfortable under his impatient eyes. He didn't reply but motioned for you to hurry up. You gave him a weird look before you finished off your tea. Right when you took your last sip he clasped onto your arm and pulled you out the door. You both walked side by side not saying a word as you walked. "Okay, what's going on?" You finally asked him, not being able to work it out yourself. You were sure it had something to do with the case, but there were a number of probabilities of what exactly it could be about. Normally, you could take one look at Sherlock and know what he was thinking. Right now, you weren't so sure.

"I need to talk." He told you. You placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking and to look at you.

"And we couldn't do this at the pub?" You had to admit, you were a bit irradiated Sherlock had dragged you out of bed just to talk when you could've done that easily in the comfort of bed or even over tea, but if he did all that just to get you out here alone, it must be important.

"No, I need to see something." He explained while he continued to walk. You followed him, curious as to what this was all about. After about a 25 minute walk, you realized where Sherlock was taking you. It was the spot you'd first stopped at when you arrived near Dartmoor, also very near to where Dewer's Hollow was.

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