Chapter 21

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Third person p.o.v

(y/n) sat up in bed, not sure what woke her up. She got up and padded into the bathroom as quietly as possible. Splashing cold water onto her face, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. The empty silence of the cabin felt oppressive, as if it was waiting for something to happen, so she quickly left and made her way down to the Lake.

Standing at the edge of the water, she lifted her gaze to the skies, blocking out all her thoughts and her surroundings. The stars shone brightly and the wind rippled the still waters of the lake. She heard footsteps behind her and turned. The last thing she saw was the end of Luke's baseball bat, before she faded into unconsciousness.

As soon as the bat made contact with the side of her head, she collapsed like a rag doll. Connie dropped the bat and clapped her hands, jumping up and down in celebration. Hazel, Crystal and Lydia crawled our from where they were hiding with a duffel bag and rope.

(y/n) p.o.v

The darkness faded into dim lights and stiff muscles. I forced my eyes open, immediately scanning around me for anything to explain my splitting headache and burning muscles. I found myself sat on the floor in the middle of the woods, hands tied behind my back and legs tied in front of me. I struggled against the rope, but no result. I tried to call out, but a gag in my mouth muffled any sound I made. Sitting there for what seemed like hours on end, but it could have been minutes, I faded in and out of consciousness, still not understanding what was happening.

Third person p.o.v

Back at camp, people started to notice. The inhabitants of Woodchuck and Grizzly Cabins had already called an emergency meeting, while Gladys believed Hazel's story, that (y/n) had run off again.

"Okay guys, so what do we know?" Luke started. He had freaked out earlier, but now he was focused on getting (y/n) back. Not like Xander, who was sat in a corner of the Mess Hall, head resting on his knees and rocking himself back and forth, tear tracks stained on his face. Emma was comforting him and everyone else was gathered around a table, brainstorming. They had searched all of her favourite hiding spots, and tried calling her phone as it was Cellphone Sunday, but it was turned off. Gladys refused to call the police and report it ("She's probably run off again. She'll be back by sundown," she had told them)

"Wait... where's Connie?" Zuri realised first. "She hasn't been around since this morning. D'you think she got (y/n)?" Luke cringed at the thought and Xander tightened his hold on his knees.

"If she has, she's coming for me next." Luke replied. "And we'll be ready for her." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah!" Jorge shouted, and they started planning.

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