Chapter 1

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Emma p.o.v

Jessie, Zuri, Ravi and I walked up to the entrance of Camp Kikiwaka. A young girl was stood next to a desk at the entrance of the camp. She stepped forward to greet us.

"Hey guys, can I help you? I'm (y/n)," she offered a hand for us to shake.

"I'm Emma Ross." I took her hand and shook it. "This is my sister, Zuri, my brother, Ravi, and our nanny, Jessie. Where do we sign up for summer camp?" Her face lit up.

"Right here! So. You're the Ross kids. Aren't there supposed to be 4 of you? Are you staying too Miss Jessie?" (y/n) questioned and Zuri and I burst out laughing. Jessie shot us a glare before she turned to (y/n).

"Just plain Jessie, sweetie. And no I'm not staying."

"Our brother, Luke, is just getting the rest of Emma's luggage from the limo." Zuri butted in.

(y/n) looked at the 2 suitcases I was dragging behind me, before saying "Huh. Looks like you'll need a cabin all to yourself!" That confused me.

"Umm... what's a cabin? And what do you mean to myself?"

She gave me a sympathetic look. "First time at camp? Well, you see these wooden huts? Those are cabins. There can be up to 4 campers in each one." I gasped. No way was I going to SHARE a cabin with a bunch of strangers!!

(y/n) p.o.v

I was a little at a loss. It was my cousin, Hazel's job to take care of new registrations, and give tours, but she had gone off earlier with her friends to who knows where.

"Do you guys mind if I give you a tour of the camp?" I asked the kids that were stood expectantly in front of me. They all nodded vigorously, and we walked into Camp Kikiwaka, with me pointing out the sights along the way.

"So you 2 girls will be in Woo..." I got cut off by a curly-haired, freckled boy who popped up behind Jessie and dumped a handbag and another pink suitcase just like Emma's.

Luke p.o.v

I dumped Emma's bags as I finally caught up with my family.

"Hey guys, what did I...miss?" I paused as I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen standing next to Emma. I quickly turned on the 'chick magnet' and attempted a quick flirt.

"Hello. I'm Luke. And you are...?"

And that was when Emma decided to ruin the moment.

"Ugh. Luke, chill. This is (y/n), she's just about to take us to our... cabins," she visibly shuddered and I laughed. Then she started whispering to (y/n). I didn't catch much, but I heard something about my old crush on Jessie. They both started giggling, so I glared at Emma and then I tried again.

"So, where's our cabin, babe?" I slipped my arm around her shoulders and, to my surprise, she slapped me off! That's never happened before! I looked after her, shocked, as she walked away with Emma.

Ravi p.o.v

I laughed at Luke's reaction. Very few girls have rejected him before, if any. (y/n) continued with the tour, and I listened attentively. I did not want to get lost in this wilderness.

Summer Camp || A Bunk'd X Jessie CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now