Chapter 5

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Third perdon p.o.v

The sun dips its red head beneath the lake, and Gladys has ordered the fire to be lit. The flames leap and crackle to life, dancing in the dark. Gladys is about to begin her infamous tale. She pulls on what looks like a bearskin and is shaking a tambourine.

She shakes the tambourine one. Two. Three. Four times and then:

"KIKIWAKA!" She yells

Everyone, minus the Ross kids, stands up and chants "KI-KI-WA-KA"

"KIKIWAKA!" She continues, turning a circle on the spot. Again, everyone repeats her actions. Luke, Ravi, Emma and Zuri are freaking out.

"Okay, this is a cult. Taxi!" Ravi yells, standing up.

Gladys continues, oblivious, while everyone sits back down. "We pay homage to Kikiwaka. The giant, ravenous, demon beast who roams these woods...

"Say what now?!?" Luke is terrified. (y/n) laughs, the look on his face is priceless.

"Kikiwaka!" Gladys carries on, raising her voice slightly. "Hear me and leave these campers in peace. 

"Did she just say in pieces?!?" (y/n) hears Emma say, and she looks over to see Xander hug her tight. She pumps her fist in the air in celebration.

"By the blessing of Kikiwaka, may our summer revels... commence!!!" Gladys finishes and throws off the bearskin and the tambourine. Then she adds, in her normal, bored tone: "Remember to pick up your trash." Before walking away. Xander stands up, clutching his guitar. (y/n) stands up to join him and they start singing.

(Xander, (y/n), Everyone)

Here we go

We're leaving the city behind right now

Let's gather by the campfire light 

And sing this song


Hanging out with someone new

Then falling out of a camp canoe

What's that smell?

It's on your shoe


Got a s'more in my hair

Mosquitoes in our underwear

Shower's broke

But we don't care


This is our home away from

Home away from 

Home away from home!

But watch your back!

A bear just ate my phone!

Kikiwaka, kikiwaka!

Kikiwaka, kikiwaka!

Kikiwaka, kikiwaka!

~Time skip brought to you by the best s'mores on the planet.~

(y/n) p.o.v

 The little kids have long since gone to bed. Emma and Xander are sat holding hands. Looks like he finally asked her out! On the other side of the campfire, I'm teaching Zuri and Ravi the best way to assemble a s'more, and Luke finishing off his 3rd one.

"Want another one?" I ask him, and he looks up at me with chocolate and marshmallow around his mouth. I hold back a laugh.

"Definitely. I don't know how you get them so good. Mine never turn out this gooey, and we make them all the time over the fireplace at home."

I smile. "It's my two secret ingredients. An open campfire instead of a fireplace, and years and years of practice and experience. I've been making s'mores every summer for 9 years, since I was 7."

He lools impressed. "They're amazing, babe. You should start a business!" He says, smirking playfully. I stand up.

"I think I'm gonna hit the bunks. I'm spent." I stretch and yawn.

"I'll walk you to your cabin." Luke stands up too, but I push him back down.

"Oh no you won't. Let me have some privacy, loverboy." He looks disappointed as I walk off. What's his deal?

Zuri p.o.v (short)

I turn to Luke, and he's staring after (y/n). I'm getting frustrated. There goes my ship. Again!

"Jeez, stop flirting with her and ask her out already!!" I throw my hands up, exasperated.

"What? No, I just..." he mumbles, before running off to his cabin. I shake my head. This is gonna be a long summer.


~A.N: And there you have it folks, chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed it, and sorry it's so short, it was more of a filler chapter. Coming up next, rock climbing, and a near-death situation. Stay tuned to find out more. Also, I'm not sure if I should do bloopers once I've finished this story. Comment yes or no to vote please! Feel free to leave an idea/new character/recomendation/request/premonition in the comments, or message me. Don't forget to vote! See you in the next chapter! ♡

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