Chapter 25

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The only light in the back of the van was a couple of tiny torches that Hazel had discreetly thrown in with them. (y/n) flashed one of them around, looking for something to boost both the battery and the signal on the locator. Luke was helping her, while Xander lay, still curled up, the pain in his sides from Connie's kick not letting him do anything else. It was probably a technician's van at some point, metal shelves lining the sides, and a wrench lodged in a corner. (y/n) collected a bunch of loose wires, a screwdriver, and an almost-empty roll of electrician's tape. Luke had managed to salvage a part of a motherboard, and what looked like it used to be a cell phone. How the girls had missed that when they were emptying the van was anybody's guess. Unless they had left it on purpose like Hazel gave them the flashlight. They set it all out and Luke handed over the locator as the van started moving. He wondered absently who was driving. (y/n) got straight to work, pulling the battery from one of the torches to get the locator working again. One problem left now: it was too close-range. Luke and Xander couldn't do anything but watch as she worked away at the mess of wires and other mechanical parts. She was so in the zone, she didn't register them talking.

"Where did she learn to do that?" Luke whispered to Xander.

"She's a genius," Was all Xan said, groaning and squeezing his arms around his torso. Luke felt the guilt of all this welling up inside him. If it wasn't for him, they would be enjoying their summer, safe and sound at camp, no risk of broken bones or even death over their heads just to get him to cooperate.

"I'm sorry, Zan,"

"It's all good. (y/n)'ll get us out of here. She's a genius,"

"So you've said. How come?"

"It's... complicated. She was a genius since we were little. She used to love her projects and then... something happened and she stopped. She focused on being a normal girl, got a boyfriend, y'know? Then Eric broke her heart, and she refused to love. Until you," Luke wasn't sure whether to be happy that he taught her to love again, angry at Eric, or worried about what had happened.

"What happened?" He settled with that for now.

"It's really not my place to say. She'll tell you when she's ready," Xander reassured him. The van hit a particularly large bump and while (y/n) didn't even flinch at her work, Xander groaned in pain. Luke didn't know what he could do to help him, so he simply comforted him while they waited. After what felt like centuries, (y/n) swept the majority of the wires and motherboard pieces away, leaving the tiny locator attached to a larger piece of metal. She held two wires in her hands and looked at them.

"This may not work," Xander gave her a look.

"Your inventions always work," he reminded her and she nodded.

"Luke, Ravi knows Morse Code, right?"

"It's his favourite code," (y/n) nodded and started touching the wires together and taking them apart, a repeating pattern with no meaning to the two boys, but clearly understood by the second youngest Ross, staring at the red dot that had just flickered into existence on his screen. On and off and on and off. He soon recognized the pattern.

"Emma, I need your phone," his sister handed it over. He opened a note and wrote down the pattern.

".-. .- ...- .. / .-- . .-. . / -- --- ...- .. -. --." He thought for a minute before writing the translation

"R-A-V-I-W-E-R-E-M-O-V-I-N-G," He spoke as he wrote the letters out.

"They're moving? But they were just on the edge of the range before! What if we can't find them?" Tiffany spoke up, reading over Ravi's shoulder. Ravi studied the screen for any new patterns, but the dot had stopped flashing and was now simply moving along the road. Wait, what? He was sure the road was too far for a signal to be picked up from here.

"The signal's been boosted?" He said, but it sounded like a question.

"Oh, thank God!" Emma sighed.

"But how? No offence to Xander, but both he and Luke aren't capable of doing that," Ravi explained as he started leading them back to camp to steal a car.

"The boys may not be, but (y/n) sure is," Lou told him.

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