Chapter 32

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(y/n) p.o.v

"YOU'RE USELESS!" My aunt's voice followed me up the stairs and into my tiny bedroom. I immediately pulled out a suitcase from the wardrobe and stuffed what few belongings I have into it. I dragged it down the stairs, past the kitchen where my aunt was still ranting to herself about how useless I was. The minute she saw me and the suitcase, she set off again.

"Where do you think you're going? Who would want to take you in? It's no wonder I ended up with you, no one else wanted a useless lump like you," and other such snide comments were thrown at me the whole way down the driveway. I threw my suitcase into the back of my beat-up truck and settled into the driver's seat. As I backed out of the driveway, I found myself calling Christina Ross.

~Time skip brought to you by really long road trips.~

I had insisted on driving down, although Christina had wanted to send their helicopter for me. It would give me time to clear my head. I had gathered all of my things, and all of my savings from the odd jobs I had been doing over the years, so I was set for a little while. Of course, the Ross family would want to look after me and pay for my things, but I couldn't accept charity. By the time I had arrived in front of their building, I was starving and exhausted. I greeted Tony with a smile, and he let me up to the penthouse. I stepped into the living room and, seeing no one, collapsed onto the couch, my suitcase abandoned in front of the elevator.

Third-person p.o.v

When (y/n) had called Christina and explained her problem, the woman was extremely concerned for the girl's well-being. So much so that, once she had told Morgan as well, they had paused the production of their current movie, and Christina had cancelled all her appointments for the week. They had rushed home and, once they arrived, found (y/n) asleep on the couch while the kids appeared to be out. Christina sat on the couch and gently nudged her awake, while Morgan went to find Bertram and get him to fix up the spare room for the poor girl.

"Hey, (y/n)?"

"I'm sorry, I'll do it now!" The girl shot up and the words slipped past her lips before she realised where she was. She sighed and relaxed on the couch again.

"(y/n), honey, what happened?" Christina prompted her. The girl shook her head as she stared at nothing. At that moment, the elevator dinged as the doors opened. The first thing the kids saw was that their mom was home. They ran to hug her, only to find (y/n) there as well. The girl pulled on a smile, not wanting to burden them with her problems. Of course, Luke noticed. He noticed everything about her. So as soon as the others had greeted and hugged her, he pulled her aside to ask her.

"You okay, baby?" He whispered as he hugged her. She nodded into his chest.

"Just tired of Hazel and Gladys," her voice was muffled, but he still heard it.

"You know you can talk to me any time, right? And you dont have to pretend to be happy," He pulled away slightly to look at her face. A tear slipped down her cheek and he wiped it away gently.

"I know. Thank you, Luke," She kissed him softly, giving him a genuine smile, before returning to the others.


~A.N: Yay! Sorry for another long wait, but here's another (short) chapter. I have rather sad news, though. There is only the epilogue left to write, and then that's it. I've grown quite attached to this book, and I'll be sorry to finish it, and I'll miss your comments. On a happier note, I'll now have more time for my other books! Which one would you like me to finish writing first? I also have (several) new ideas for other fanfics, so we'll see what happens. If you haven't already, please go and check out my other works, as well as my friend, @disneyXD_life , who is currently writing a Suite Life fanfic, Zack x reader. Im working on the epilogue right now, and I'll hopefully have it up by tomorrow. As always, comments and private messages are open for any suggestions/ideas/requests or if you just want to talk. Love you all, see you in the next chapter!

Summer Camp || A Bunk'd X Jessie Crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن