Chapter 28

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The lock on the door was simple, easy to break. All (y/n) needed was a bobby pin, which she pulled from her hair. The door opened silently, and (y/n) helped Xander stand and walk out of the room, pulling the door closed behind them. The corridor they found themselves in was very similar to a hospital: white and clean and brightly lit. It was a never-ending maze: door, corridor, door, corridor. Everything looked the same, and they weren't sure if they were going in circles. (y/n) was exhausted, and Xander had to stop more and more often to catch his breath, every step jostling his ribs and sending spikes of pain coursing through his body.

Eventually, they heard voices from around a corner. (y/n) pushed Xander behind her, and they flattened themselves against the wall. The voices grew louder, but they were muted as if they were coming from behind a door. (y/n) stuck her head around the corner just in time to see the door at the end of the corridor open slowly. A very familiar head stuck out, searching the corridor before opening the door all the way. Emma stepped into the corridor warily, followed by the rest of their friends. (y/n) almost laughed in relief.

"Zan, it's our friends," she put his arm over her shoulders again and turned the corner, drawing shouts of joy from the others. Emma immediately rushed to her side, checking her over for injuries before helping her with Xander.

"Do you know where Luke is?" Tiff questioned.

"No. I've got the tracker, and I didn't have enough time to duplicate the signal onto something else," she replied. "He's got to be somewhere in this building, though."

"Zuri, Jorge, take Xander to the car," Ravi told them.

"His ribs are broken, be careful," the girls let Zuri and Jorge take him off them.

"No, I'm not leaving without you. I can't let you get hurt," He tried to argue.

"Alexander McCormick, you listen to me. You've done the best you can, now get out of here before you get hurt even more," Lou ordered.

"Xander, I promise we'll be fine." (y/n) reassured him, and he allowed Zuri and Jorge to lead him out. The rest continued down the tangled mess of corridors in search of Luke.


Connie and Luke are stood in a huge room that looked like it used to be a laboratory of some sort. His hands were tied at his front this time, and he was wearing a black suit. Connie was in full bride outfit: white dress, hair, makeup, flowers, the whole lot. Hazel, Crystal and Lydia were also in dresses, obviously the bridesmaids. Another man, also tied up, was standing in between Connie and Luke. He was shaking, and Connie was holding a knife to his throat.

"You'll marry us, or I will kill you," she threatened. He nodded vigorously, terrified.

And the wedding began.


~A.N: Hey guys! How's everyone doing? I really have nothing else to say here, but it feels incomplete if I don't have an AN at the end of a chapter... Comments are open for any suggestions/requests/problems, or if you just want to talk, feel free to message me. See you in the next chapter! ♡

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