Chapter 26

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(y/n) woke to a mask over her face, and her arms and legs restrained onto the metal bed she was laid on. She struggled but the bands around her wrists, ankles and torso tightened, constricting her breathing until she stopped struggling. She turned her head to the side, only to see another bed with a very familiar person asleep on it. Even with the masks, she would recognise that face anywhere. A young Xander slowly opened his eyes and wildly wrestled against thin air, not recognising where he was or why he was restrained. He gasped loudly as the shackles squeezed the breath out of him, but refused to stop fighting. (y/n) screamed out to him, her voice muffled but still heard. She refused to let him die.

At the sound of her voice, he froze and the metal bands relaxed. He gasped for breath and looked over to her. Their eyes met, her tear-soaked face searching his neutral expression for any signs of anger, regret, anything. This was all her fault. Footsteps echoed around them, approaching the room they were in and two ladies opened the door. Both children shut their eyes, knowing that if they were awake they would be pumped full of gas and sent back to sleep, meaning no chance of escape. They felt the beds lurch as the ladies pushed them out of the room, down a long, straight corridor and into another room. Her bed was left to one side and the mask removed so that she would wake up, while Xander was moved to the centre of the room.

Two other adults, a man and a woman, made their way over to her and unlocked her shackles. She pretended to wake up, sat up and rubbed her eyes, taking in the room. Xander's eyes were wide and he stared at the machine that she had built. She had said she would destroy it, and she was trying to when they jumped her and knocked her out, leading to her current problem. The adults helped her off her bed.

"We're so proud of you, darling," the woman, her mother, told her as she held firmly onto her shoulder, making sure she couldn't run to help her best friend.

"Your technology is a revolution on its own," her father added. They led her to the console and stood over her as she stared at Xander, struggling with the staff and the bands as they shut him in a reinforced polymer and lead capsule.

"It's time, darling," her mother squeezed her shoulder. It would have been a reassuring gesture, except she dug her nails in and squeezed painfully.

"Either you do it, or we'll test it on both of you," her father added in a whisper. She shuddered and raised her hands to the buttons and switches on the control panel she designed. They hovered there for a moment and she locked eyes with Xander, who was already staring at her.

"Close your eyes," she mouthed at him, unnoticed by her parents. And Xander, trusting his best friend completely, did as she told him. Her hands danced over the controls, and her parents watched in growing excitement. Her finger hovered over the execution button and she turned to look at her parents.

"I don't think this is a good idea... I haven't tested it properly and it could backfire..." In fact, she knew it was flawless, she was simply hoping for an easy way out. No such luck, her father pushed his fist down on the button. (y/n) slammed her hands over her eyes as the radiation from the machine was expelled outwards instead of into the capsule. A small protection mechanism she had added when she started becoming suspicious of her parent's intentions. She just hoped that Xander had his eyes closed still. Almost as soon as the blast had stopped, she jumped away from her parents, seeing them frozen in place with matching looks of horror. She ran to the capsule, snagging the key off of a frozen man's belt. She fumbled with them for a moment before the lock clicked and the door swung open.

"You can open your eyes now, Zan," she whispered as she removed the restraints, not daring to make more noise in case there were more staff in this place than those gathered in the room. He didn't make any move, so she checked his vitals. She couldn't find his pulse, nor any sign of breathing, and she started panicking. She was sure she directed the radiation outwards to freeze everyone else. The body in front of her lurched and he gasped for breath. She sighed in relief, but it was short-lived, as he turned on her with glowing green eyes. (y/n) reeled back, only to find the door had closed behind her, leaving her with no escape. The boy groaned and held out his hands as he stumbled towards her.

"This is your fault..." She sunk to the floor, bringing her arms up to cover her head

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she mumbled over and over.

"(y/n). (y/n)! (Y/N)!" His voice raised in volume and she felt herself shaking.


Gasping for breath, she shot upright. Xander was there, he was fine. It had just been a dream, a twisted replay of her past. Luke was still asleep, but Xander was staring down at her worriedly.

"You okay?" She shook her head and told him about her dream. "It's okay, it was just a dream. Your trick worked, you saved me," he reassured her. Eventually, she calmed down, but she couldn't bring herself to go back to sleep. "You know you're gonna have to tell him at some point, right?" Xander asked her and she nodded.

"I know. I'm just terrified that he'll run away. I'm evil, Zan. Those machines... It's why I stopped building things,"

"You're not evil, your parents were. And he won't run. He loves you,"

"Really? He told you?"

"Nope. I just know," was Xander's reply. The van came to a sudden stop and the engine cut, shaking Luke awake and jarring Xander's bruised, maybe broken, ribs. They had arrived.


A.N.: Yeah, sorry I didn't have this up on Sunday, but here are two chapters as an apology. I ended up combining two plot lines, so thank y'all for contributing! I don't really have anything else to say, but comments and messages are always open for anything you'd like to say/request/correct, or if you just need someone to talk to. Enjoy, and see you in the next chapter!

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