Chapter 7

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The rope creaks in your hands and your eyes widen in realisation as the rope snaps and Luke starts falling.

Third person p.o.v

(y/n) lunges forward and grabs Lukes arm. She is leaning dangerously over the edge. Lou grabs her waist to stop her falling off.

"It's okay. I've got you." (y/n) reassures him. Luke grips her arm with both his hands, and she starts pulling him up. She gets him back on the mountain and they both collapse, panting.

"Sometimes," she says between breaths, "I wonder... why... I'm not... a counsellor... myself." Everyone laughs, relieved.

~Mini time skip brought to you by my 1 am non-inspirations.~

(y/n) p.o.v

I return to my cabin, covered in dust and sweat, my hair bedraggled. Hazel and Lydia are sat in the cabin gossiping and I can hear the shower running. They look up and wrinkle their noses as I walk in.

"Gross! What happened to you?" Hazel pinched her nose in disgust.

"Well..." I start to explain but Lydia cuts me off.

"No, we don't really care. You need to take shower before you stink up the whole cabin."

"Yeah, that's where I was going." I point to the bathroom door.

"Crystal is in there. And me and Lydia need to go in too. You'll just have to wait outside." Hazel pulls a face and points at the cabin door.

I give up, frustrated. "Ugh, fine." Grabbing my towel, toiletries and a change of clothes and shoes, I storm out.


~A.N: Hey guys, sorry it's so short. I had like 0 time to write today and I'm super tired. I owe you a decent sized chapter or two tomorrow. Feel free to like/commemt/message/request/share/all of the above. And don't forget to vote! See you in the next chapter! ♡

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