Chapter 9

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(l/n)- last name
(h/c)- hair colour

(y/n) p.o.v

I'm layed on my bunk, staring at the ceiling. Today is the first Sunday at camp, so we get the day off. Just a week has passed since I met Luke, and we have become almost inseparable. He is my best friend. We prank together, laugh together, walk together, make s'mores together, spend hours talking by the campfire together. I can never seem to stop thinking about him. He is my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. When he flirts with me, butterflies flutter in my stomach. And every time I shut him down I see disappointment and sadness in his eyes, and all I want to do is wrap him in a hug and tell him that I love him.

I love Luke Ross.

I love the rich kid with the curly brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes so deep I could drown in them.

I love the prankster, with the adorable freckles and hilarious jokes.

I love the player, with the insistent flirting and cheesy pickup lines

I love my best friend.

Oh gods. What do I do?!?

Luke p.o.v

I'm layed on my bunk staring at the ceiling. Apparently, today is a day off since it's the first Sunday. My thoughts chase each other around my head, before coming to rest on (y/n). It's been a week since I met her and I'm still stuck in the friend zone. No matter what I do, she keeps shutting me down. I tried to ask her why once, and she just ducked my questions. At this rate, I'll never find the courage to tell her that I, the player, have fallen hard for her.

I love (y/n) (l/n).

I love the mischievous prankster and her jokes.

I love the sweet girl with her (h/c) hair and warm laugh

I love the adventurer, always taking me into the forest to show me a tree perfect for climbing or an abandoned fox den.

I love my best friend.

Oh gods. What do I do?!?


~A.N: Hey guys, here's chapter 9, sorry it's rubbish. This is a filler chapter, so, you know, feelings and stuff. Also, I have exciting news! This story is now #1 in Lukeross, with 372 reads! I never expected to get this far, thank you so so much! Feel free to comment/ message/ build a shrine/ share/ other/ all of the above. Don't forget to vote! See you in the next chapter! ♡

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