Bloopers & Behind The Scenes

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"What did I... miss?" Luke popped up behind his siblings, dumping Emma's bags.

"So what did I miss?" (y/n) burst into song, causing laughter from the others. "Virginia, my home sweet home, I want to give you a kiss," she danced (bounced) around, before placing an exaggerated kiss on Luke's cheek, causing him to blush.

"Cut!" The director yelled through his laughter, as everyone else dissolved into laughter too and (y/n) cheered triumphantly.


"And... action!"

"Yeah, how do we know we can trust you?" Luke pointed the tip of his arrow at (y/n)'s chest, right way up. (y/n) flipped it over without thinking, then glanced down at it, and all three of them burst out laughing


"Hey guys, this is Luke. I stole (y/n)'s phone earlier, turns out her password is my birthday! Anyway, we gotta avoid her, so let's go... this way," Luke spoke at the camera jn (y/n)'s phone, live streaming on her Instagram. Her followers seemed to like him. Suddenly, he caught sight of (y/n) at the end if the hallway, so he spun around and started sprinting the other way, laughing quietly.

He spent most of the day hiding and running from an annoyed (y/n) looking for her phone, but she finally caught up with him.

"Luke Ross, I swear to whatever gods exist, if you have my phone I will slaughter you!" Luke glanced back at her nervously, before sprinting away once more.

"Well, looks like this is the end," he said to the phone. "Maybe I'll see you guys later, but I probably won't survive this..." And with that, he ended the live, pocketing (y/n)'s phone and dodging through sets and people carrying stuff around, desperate to get away.

Summer Camp || A Bunk'd X Jessie CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now