Chapter 24

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Luke jolted awake for the third time in the past 10 minutes. (y/n) and Xander were both asleep, huddling close to each other for warmth. The wind rustled the leaves in the trees, setting Luke on edge. He scanned the darkness for any sign of movement, but nothing. He was half hoping someone would turn up, someone from camp. But the other half of him dreaded any sign of movement and jolted him awake at the slightest noise, just in case Connie came back. He heard Xander mumble softly and roll over, pushing (y/n) towards him. He wrapped an arm around her, trying to keep her as warm as possible. She jolted awake at the unexpected movement, eyes darting around terrified.

"Hey, it's okay, it's just me," Luke calmed her with whispered words, and she soon drifted back to sleep. All too soon, daylight peeked down through the trees, accompanied by the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Wakey wakey!" Creepy Connie's voice pierced through Luke's peaceful sleep. He flinched away unconsciously from the source of the voice, without even opening his eyes.

"Connie, please let us go!" (y/n) asked her again. "You've hardly ever spoken to Xander, I don't get why you needed him!"

"First, I needed (y/n), and I knew he'd stick his nose in my business if I took just her. Second, Hazel needed some persuasion," She gestured to the edge of the clearing, where Hazel, Crystal and Lydi were huddling guiltily.

"You'll never get us to agree to anything," Luke growled. Connie smiled sweetly at him.

"In that case, Lukey Pookey, I'm sure you won't mind if I do... this!" She grabbed (y/n)'s hair and pulled her upright causing her eyes to water, and held a knife to her throat. This got both Luke and Xander screaming at her.

"No! Stop! Okay, I'll do whatever you want! Just let her go, please!" Luke cried. Connie let (y/n) slump to the ground, and Luke dragged himself to her side.

"I'm sorry, (y/n), I'm so sorry," he told her, over and over.

"I'm okay," she promised him. Xander thrashed around some more, screaming against his gag. Connie kicked him in the side, causing him to curl up and be quiet, but that set (y/n) off, screaming and cursing at her. Connie just rolled her eyes and walked off.

~Time skip brought to you by Zuri teaching Jorge how to hide money.~

It was definitely almost midday, the sun nearly at its peak in the sky. The group wandered through the forest, tired and hungry, but refusing to give up the search for their friends. The little red dot on Ravi's computer had just disappeared because its battery had no doubt run out, but they had memorised their route to it and kept on the track towards what they hoped to be their friend's location.

(y/n) was brainstorming. She had seen something metal shining on the ground and was trying to crawl over without bringing Connie running back into the clearing. She finally reached it and saw that it was a small, rusted blade, no doubt some hiker had dropped years ago. She managed to pick it up and was attempting to cut the ropes binding her hands without slitting her wrists.

"Oh! I forgot!" Luke's shout distracted her, and she almost dropped the blade.

"What?" She hissed at him, and he sent her an apologetic look.

"Sorry. I forgot Ravi tried to discreetly slip a tracker on me. It wasn't very discreet, but I let it be, cus he was right! I just hope the battery lasted..." He tried to manoeuvre his hands towards his pocket, but the ropes held him back. (y/n) attacked her restraints with renewed determination, and managed to cut through one hand in 5 minutes. That sped the whole process up and, within another 5 minutes, both her arms and legs were free. She ran over to Xander and took his gag off, and then to Luke to get the locator.

Turning it over in her hand, she noticed how delicate it was. She hoped Ravi had a back-up plan in case Luke had broken this by accident. The tiny, red, flashing light on the back told her two things. One, it was not broken, and two, their friends were tracking them right now. Suddenly, the light stuttered and blinked out. (y/n) turned it over frantically, and realised the battery must have died. She turned it over in her hand once more, before picking up a small stone and hitting it on its side, causing the back to pop straight off. footsteps caught her attention and she pocketed the locator, put the gag back in Xander's mouth, and tied her legs together hurriedly before wrapping the final rope around her wrists and holding it in place.

"We're moving," Connie stated simply. "Get in the truck," they were roughly pulled to their feet and shoved in the back of a van before the doors were slammed shut on them.


A.N: Hello again lovelies! This chapter was a bit meh, I know. I'm trying to come up with a big finale, something brilliant to end it off. Which reminds me, there are only a few more chapters left until the end, I believe, but feel free to dro any ideas/suggestions/requests for a sequel that I may or may not do, not sure yet. Also, thank you all so much for 40K reads! Wow, that's a lot. When I first started this book, I was writing for me and my friends. I wasn't expecting more than maybe 5, 10 reads? 20 at a stretch. Thank you for all the love you've shown towards this book. I love reading your comments, they're always so funny, so keep that up! Make my day! Umm... I think that's about it... Next chapter will be up by Sunday, and that's a promise! Love you all, see you in the next chapter!

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