Chapter 12

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(y/n) p.o.v

After hours and hours of training, I finally admitted there was nothing left to teach the campers. We all took the rest of the day off, to prepare for the battle tomorrow. Somehow, I've managed to avoid Luke, and ended up in the forest. I take another turn, heading to my favourite climbing tree. I needed to clear my head, and that is as good a place as any.

Breaking through the undergrowth, I see my tree. Then my heart sinks. Eric. What is he doing here? I act like I haven't seen him as I start climbing my tree, hoping he'll take the hint and leave. He doesn't. Finally I am settled in the nook of a branch, I feel the tree shake and Eric pulls himself up next to me. I just stare straight ahead, until he puts an arm around me.

"Hey, princess. How are you?" He whispers in my ear. And that was my breaking point. I slap him across the face before leaping lightly down again. I didn't even hear him come up behind me until he grabbed my waist and spun me around to face him. His face was an inch away from mine, the red mark where I slapped him very obvious.

"Don't you DARE turn your back on me, princess." He growled in my face before crashing his lips onto mine in a rough kiss. I try to pull away, to shove him off, anything, but he just tightens his grip. When he pulls away, I slap him again.

"You sneaking, lying, son of a-"

"Language, princess." He tuts, cutting me off. "We can't have a lady like yourself saying such things now, can we." He states more than asks. I spit in his face. He just wipes it away and looks down at my ripped, dirty jeans and my faded tank top.

"Well, those aren't clothes suitable for a princess. Let's get rid of then shall we?" He smirks, grabbing my arm hard enough to leave a bruise and shoving me against a tree. I feel a scream building in my throat, so I let it leak out in a strangled squeal before he clamps a hand over my mouth.

Luke p.o.v

I'm worried. After her talk with Xander, (y/n) had seemed a little out of it. She disappeared straight after training and I can't find her at camp. I decide to check her climbing tree. I crash through the forest until I hear familiar voices. Hanging back, I hide in some nearby bushes, listening.

"You sneaking, lying, son of a-" (y/n)

"Language, princess." Someone cuts her off. I peak out and see the towering form of Eric. "We can't have a lady like yourself saying such things, now could we?" He gets in her face. I growl. He had no right to go near her. I crouch, watching proudly as she spits in his face. He just wipes it off, before checking her out.

"Well, those aren't clothes suitable for a princess. Let's get rid of them, shall we?" She screams, but he covers her mouth quickly. At this point I've had enough. I step out from the bushes and towards him.

"Get. Your. Filthy. Hands. OFF. HER!" I growl at him. He laughs, letting go of her as he turns to me.

"And what are you gonna do about it, pipsqueak?" He laughs again, grabs (y/n) again and forces his lips onto hers roughly. I see red, as I leap forward, throwing a few punches, and hitting him hard on the nose. I hear a satisfying crunch as it breaks. He backs away from her, holding his nose as he runs off into the forest. (y/n) has sunk down onto the ground. I scoop her up and feel her trembling as I carry her back to camp. Now is not the time for question, however desperate I am for answers. Eventually, she calms down enough to be able to speak.

"Th-thank you L-luke." She stutters.

"What is his deal, anyway?" I ask her. She looks down at my arms, holding her up. "Hey, it's okay, you don't have to tell me-"

"I want to." She cuts me off. "He was my first and only boyfriend. We didn't end on the best of terms. I caught him kissing Hazel." I am shocked for a minute.

"Well, he's a worthless jerk, who doesn't know what a beautiful, caring and kind girl he's lost." I smile down at her.

"You really think so?" She looked so hopeful.

"I know so." I was staring into her beautiful (e/c) eyes that you could get lost i- dammit, I already have. I put her down gently. She smiles and kisses my cheek, before walking back to her cabin. I stand there for a bit, smiling like a dork and holding my cheek. She kissed me! Well, not properly, but it's a start.


~A.N: Hey guys, sorry for the late update, but I'm back. I think this was one of my favourite chapters to write. Anyway, enjoy, and feel free to comment any suggestions/ideas/ recommendations/requests/visions of the future. Don't forget to vote! See you in the next chapter! ♡

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